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Sobre Stewartt

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Rookie (2/14)

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Emblemas Recentes



  1. What's your discord?
  2. -- Selling Evo-Mex Evolutions Project 13.20 (Perfect to get revenue) -- + Full custom maps over 40+ hunts. + Full custom quests. + Forge full + Wheel of destiny full + Bosstiary full + Besstiary full + Roulette + Boss Events + Token shops + Modal Tasks + Boss Rooms + Zombie Event + Snowball Event + Castle (90% done, 3 different castles full customs.) + Custom website (includes all the modificable files, like the logos in case Server Name change.) + Custom Client (custom icons.) + NO BUGS clean Canary version 13.20 up to date. Project is just like the FuriaOT or ArcanaOT just need some more stuffs its 90% done. I won't work on it anymore i don't have either time and money to spend more on it.
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