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Sobre DevMapper

- Aniversário 11/11/1989
Informações Pessoais
Eu sou:
Dev King
Nome do Personagem:
[Dev] Mapper
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Discord: @DevMapper
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DevMapper's Achievements
Cliente do DBO_New_Age_V7 aberto (sem source)
DevMapper respondeu ao tópico de Yomee em OTClient Mehah, V8 e derivados
lol Upload the file again, don't generate the link, that's strange, it only happens with that file. [Hidden Content] -
Cliente do DBO_New_Age_V7 aberto (sem source)
DevMapper respondeu ao tópico de Yomee em OTClient Mehah, V8 e derivados
amoxicilina começou a seguir DevMapper
Combo Attack System Spells
DevMapper respondeu ao tópico de DevMapper em TFS 1.X, Compartilhe seu código C++, LUA, PHP e etc
I'm preparing an effects pack for all of you. I'll probably publish it on tibiadevs tomorrow. There are many more than these. 🫠 I was planning to contribute these sprites and many more that I'm not showing and that aren't where other guys think they are... now, because of those 2, I won't be sharing my .obj. Thanks to @Oioi and @Avaji, for changing my mind envious..... -
DevMapper começou a seguir Combo Attack System Spells
Combo Attack System Spells
DevMapper postou um tópico no fórum em TFS 1.X, Compartilhe seu código C++, LUA, PHP e etc
Thank you for not approving one of my topics. Bye. -
I will soon be releasing this system for all of you, I must finish adjusting some things like for example when there is not enough creatures for the combo or there is some obstacle when teleporting it ends up bugging the system. I mean obstacles that are not movable or passable. Características Principales: Efectos de Animación de Ataque: Configuración de múltiples efectos visuales que se activan durante la secuencia de ataque. Posibilidad de ajustar los offsets de los efectos para una personalización precisa. Daño Elemental: Soporte para diferentes tipos de daño elemental (energía, fuego, hielo, tierra) tanto para el objetivo principal como para las criaturas cercanas. Configuración individual para habilitar o deshabilitar cada tipo de daño elemental. Daño en Área (Splash Damage): Configuración para aplicar daño en área a las criaturas cercanas al objetivo principal. Posibilidad de especificar qué efecto visual desencadena el daño en área. Efectos Visuales Personalizables: Configuración de efectos visuales que se aplican a las criaturas cercanas al objetivo. Posibilidad de definir si los efectos se muestran delante o detrás del sprite de la criatura. Teletransportación Estratégica: Funcionalidad para que el jugador se teletransporte frente al objetivo y luego regrese a su posición original. Manejo de situaciones donde la posición de teletransportación está ocupada, asegurando que el jugador siempre regrese a una posición segura. Daño Combinado: Incremento del daño basado en el número de objetivos alcanzados, con un multiplicador configurable. Aplicación de daño final adicional basado en el daño total infligido durante la secuencia de ataque.
Ravendawn Client decrypted and connecting enjoy
DevMapper respondeu ao tópico de DevMapper em OTClient Mehah, V8 e derivados
Yes, all files are decrypted. -
Ravendawn Client decrypted and connecting enjoy
DevMapper postou um tópico no fórum em OTClient Mehah, V8 e derivados
Thank you for not approving one of my topics. Bye.- 5 respostas
- 94
DevMapper respondeu ao tópico de The Baker em Outros tipos de servidores
I will release an improved version soon. It includes, wing systems completely fixed, naval battle, warzones fixed, mobile improved and fixed, trade bug fixed, 0 errors and 0 duplicate items, animation system when attacking like ravendawn almost finished and many more features added. All this for free. Just wait. I'm working on it for this year. WhatsApp Video 2024-08-26 at 6.50.38 PM.mp4 WhatsApp Video 2024-08-26 at 6.50.48 PM.mp4 WhatsApp Video 2024-08-26 at 6.50.58 PM.mp4 WhatsApp Video 2024-08-26 at 6.51.09 PM.mp4 WhatsApp Video 2024-09-01 at 3.49.01 PM (1).mp4 Only the best outfits, mounts, wings, effects, auras, and shaders have been added. There's still a lot of content to be released, and the map doesn't have a new look. But all of this will be free this year if can wait. WhatsApp Video 2024-09-01 at 3.49.01 PM.mp4 -
DevMapper começou a seguir Pack editors with bones
- 6 respostas
- 120
Ok, the event consists of entering the outfits provided here into their clients in order for the community to advance and improve their attack and combo systems. Let's see who is the first to put it up and running on their server. I want to see your results and post more 🙂
Thank you for not approving one of my topics. Bye.
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- 13
Thank you for not approving one of my topics. Bye.
- 1 resposta
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