otomeuhugo 134 Postado 18 de Agosto 2023 Compartilhar Postado 18 de Agosto 2023 Bom, já vi essa função em alguns poketibias e vi esse tutorial em um outro fórum então resolvi trazer, como sempre os devidos créditos serão dados aos seus criadores. O fade tile é um efeito que quando você entrar em uma construção os tiles de floor's superiores irão desaparecer com um efeito de transparência. Então vamos lá. (OBS: Todas as alterações serão feitas na source do otclient e não do servidor) SRC/CLIENT/MAPVIEW.CPP Spoiler Você deverá achar o seguinte trecho: m_optimizedSize = Size(g_map.getAwareRange().horizontal(), g_map.getAwareRange().vertical()) * Otc::TILE_PIXELS; E abaixo dessa linha adicione: m_fadeL3K0TTime = 150; Agora busque pelo seguinte trecho: void MapView::draw(const Rect& rect) { // update visible tiles cache when needed if(m_mustUpdateVisibleTilesCache || m_updateTilesPos > 0) updateVisibleTilesCache(m_mustUpdateVisibleTilesCache ? 0 : m_updateTilesPos); float scaleFactor = m_tileSize/(float)Otc::TILE_PIXELS; Position cameraPosition = getCameraPosition(); int drawFlags = 0; if(unlikely(g_map.isForcingAnimations()) || (likely(g_map.isShowingAnimations()) && m_viewMode == NEAR_VIEW)) drawFlags = Otc::DrawAnimations; if(m_viewMode == NEAR_VIEW) drawFlags |= Otc::DrawGround | Otc::DrawGroundBorders | Otc::DrawWalls | Otc::DrawItems | Otc::DrawCreatures | Otc::DrawEffects | Otc::DrawMissiles; else drawFlags |= Otc::DrawGround | Otc::DrawGroundBorders | Otc::DrawWalls | Otc::DrawItems; if(m_mustDrawVisibleTilesCache || (drawFlags & Otc::DrawAnimations)) { m_framebuffer->bind(); if(m_mustCleanFramebuffer) { Rect clearRect = Rect(0, 0, m_drawDimension * m_tileSize); g_painter->setColor(Color::black); g_painter->drawFilledRect(clearRect); if(m_drawLights) { m_lightView->reset(); m_lightView->resize(m_framebuffer->getSize()); Light ambientLight; if(cameraPosition.z <= Otc::SEA_FLOOR) { ambientLight = g_map.getLight(); } else { ambientLight.color = 215; ambientLight.intensity = 0; } ambientLight.intensity = std::max<int>(m_minimumAmbientLight*255, ambientLight.intensity); m_lightView->setGlobalLight(ambientLight); } } g_painter->setColor(Color::white); auto it = m_cachedVisibleTiles.begin(); auto end = m_cachedVisibleTiles.end(); for(int z=m_cachedLastVisibleFloor;z>=m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor;--z) { while(it != end) { const TilePtr& tile = *it; Position tilePos = tile->getPosition(); if(tilePos.z != z) break; else ++it; if (g_map.isCovered(tilePos, m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor)) tile->draw(transformPositionTo2D(tilePos, cameraPosition), scaleFactor, drawFlags); else tile->draw(transformPositionTo2D(tilePos, cameraPosition), scaleFactor, drawFlags, m_lightView.get()); } if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawMissiles) { for(const MissilePtr& missile : g_map.getFloorMissiles(z)) { missile->draw(transformPositionTo2D(missile->getPosition(), cameraPosition), scaleFactor, drawFlags & Otc::DrawAnimations, m_lightView.get()); } } } m_framebuffer->release(); // generating mipmaps each frame can be slow in older cards //m_framebuffer->getTexture()->buildHardwareMipmaps(); m_mustDrawVisibleTilesCache = false; } E substitua todo ele por: void MapView::draw(const Rect& rect) { // update visible tiles cache when needed if(m_mustUpdateVisibleTilesCache || m_updateTilesPos > 0) updateVisibleTilesCache(m_mustUpdateVisibleTilesCache ? 0 : m_updateTilesPos); float scaleFactor = m_tileSize/(float)Otc::TILE_PIXELS; Position cameraPosition = getCameraPosition(); int drawFlags = 0; if(unlikely(g_map.isForcingAnimations()) || (likely(g_map.isShowingAnimations()) && m_viewMode == NEAR_VIEW)) drawFlags = Otc::DrawAnimations; if(m_viewMode == NEAR_VIEW) drawFlags |= Otc::DrawGround | Otc::DrawGroundBorders | Otc::DrawWalls | Otc::DrawItems | Otc::DrawCreatures | Otc::DrawEffects | Otc::DrawMissiles; else drawFlags |= Otc::DrawGround | Otc::DrawGroundBorders | Otc::DrawWalls | Otc::DrawItems; if(m_mustDrawVisibleTilesCache || (drawFlags & Otc::DrawAnimations)) { m_framebuffer->bind(); if(m_mustCleanFramebuffer) { Rect clearRect = Rect(0, 0, m_drawDimension * m_tileSize); g_painter->setColor(Color::black); g_painter->drawFilledRect(clearRect); if(m_drawLights) { m_lightView->reset(); m_lightView->resize(m_framebuffer->getSize()); Light ambientLight; if(cameraPosition.z <= Otc::SEA_FLOOR) { ambientLight = g_map.getLight(); } else { ambientLight.color = 215; ambientLight.intensity = 0; } ambientLight.intensity = std::max<int>(m_minimumAmbientLight*255, ambientLight.intensity); m_lightView->setGlobalLight(ambientLight); } } g_painter->setColor(Color::white); int ms = stdext::millis(); auto it = m_cachedVisibleTiles.begin(); auto end = m_cachedVisibleTiles.end(); for(int z=m_cachedLastVisibleFloor;z>=m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor;--z) { while(it != end) { const TilePtr& tile = *it; Position tilePos = tile->getPosition(); if(tilePos.z != z) break; else ++it; if (m_mustDrawFadeInTilesCache && ((ms - m_fadeStart) / (float)m_fadeL3K0TTime) < 1.0 && z <= m_fadeCachedLastVisibleFloor) g_painter->setOpacity(((float)((int)(ms - m_fadeStart) % m_fadeL3K0TTime) / (float)m_fadeL3K0TTime)); if (g_map.isCovered(tilePos, m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor)) tile->draw(transformPositionTo2D(tilePos, cameraPosition), scaleFactor, drawFlags); else tile->draw(transformPositionTo2D(tilePos, cameraPosition), scaleFactor, drawFlags, m_lightView.get()); if (m_mustDrawFadeInTilesCache) g_painter->resetOpacity(); } if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawMissiles) { for(const MissilePtr& missile : g_map.getFloorMissiles(z)) { missile->draw(transformPositionTo2D(missile->getPosition(), cameraPosition), scaleFactor, drawFlags & Otc::DrawAnimations, m_lightView.get()); } } } if (m_mustDrawFadeOutTilesCache && ((ms - m_fadeStart) / (float)m_fadeL3K0TTime) < 1.0) { g_painter->setOpacity(1.0 - ((float)((int)(ms - m_fadeStart) % m_fadeL3K0TTime) / (float)m_fadeL3K0TTime)); auto f_it = m_cachedFadeTiles.begin(); auto f_end = m_cachedFadeTiles.end(); for (int z = m_fadeCachedLastVisibleFloor; z >= m_fadeCachedFirstVisibleFloor; --z) { while (f_it != f_end) { const TilePtr& tile = *f_it; Position tilePos = tile->getPosition(); if (tilePos.z != z) break; else ++f_it; if (g_map.isCovered(tilePos, m_fadeCachedFirstVisibleFloor)) tile->draw(transformPositionTo2D(tilePos, cameraPosition), scaleFactor, drawFlags); else tile->draw(transformPositionTo2D(tilePos, cameraPosition), scaleFactor, drawFlags, m_lightView.get()); } } g_painter->setOpacity(1); } m_framebuffer->release(); // generating mipmaps each frame can be slow in older cards //m_framebuffer->getTexture()->buildHardwareMipmaps(); m_mustDrawVisibleTilesCache = false; } float fadeOpacity = 1.0f; if(!m_shaderSwitchDone && m_fadeOutTime > 0) { fadeOpacity = 1.0f - (m_fadeTimer.timeElapsed() / m_fadeOutTime); if(fadeOpacity < 0.0f) { m_shader = m_nextShader; m_nextShader = nullptr; m_shaderSwitchDone = true; m_fadeTimer.restart(); } } if(m_shaderSwitchDone && m_shader && m_fadeInTime > 0) fadeOpacity = std::min<float>(m_fadeTimer.timeElapsed() / m_fadeInTime, 1.0f); Rect srcRect = calcFramebufferSource(rect.size()); Point drawOffset = srcRect.topLeft(); if(m_shader && g_painter->hasShaders() && g_graphics.shouldUseShaders() && m_viewMode == NEAR_VIEW) { Rect framebufferRect = Rect(0,0, m_drawDimension * m_tileSize); Point center = srcRect.center(); Point globalCoord = Point(cameraPosition.x - m_drawDimension.width()/2, -(cameraPosition.y - m_drawDimension.height()/2)) * m_tileSize; m_shader->bind(); m_shader->setUniformValue(ShaderManager::MAP_CENTER_COORD, center.x / (float)framebufferRect.width(), 1.0f - center.y / (float)framebufferRect.height()); m_shader->setUniformValue(ShaderManager::MAP_GLOBAL_COORD, globalCoord.x / (float)framebufferRect.height(), globalCoord.y / (float)framebufferRect.height()); m_shader->setUniformValue(ShaderManager::MAP_ZOOM, scaleFactor); g_painter->setShaderProgram(m_shader); } g_painter->setColor(Color::white); g_painter->setOpacity(fadeOpacity); glDisable(GL_BLEND); #if 0 // debug source area g_painter->saveAndResetState(); m_framebuffer->bind(); g_painter->setColor(Color::green); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(srcRect, 2); m_framebuffer->release(); g_painter->restoreSavedState(); m_framebuffer->draw(rect); #else m_framebuffer->draw(rect, srcRect); #endif g_painter->resetShaderProgram(); g_painter->resetOpacity(); glEnable(GL_BLEND); // this could happen if the player position is not known yet if(!cameraPosition.isValid()) return; float horizontalStretchFactor = rect.width() / (float)srcRect.width(); float verticalStretchFactor = rect.height() / (float)srcRect.height(); // avoid drawing texts on map in far zoom outs if(m_viewMode == NEAR_VIEW) { for(const CreaturePtr& creature : m_cachedFloorVisibleCreatures) { if(!creature->canBeSeen()) continue; PointF jumpOffset = creature->getJumpOffset() * scaleFactor; Point creatureOffset = Point(16 - creature->getDisplacementX(), - creature->getDisplacementY() - 2); Position pos = creature->getPosition(); Point p = transformPositionTo2D(pos, cameraPosition) - drawOffset; p += (creature->getDrawOffset() + creatureOffset) * scaleFactor - Point(stdext::round(jumpOffset.x), stdext::round(jumpOffset.y)); p.x = p.x * horizontalStretchFactor; p.y = p.y * verticalStretchFactor; p += rect.topLeft(); int flags = 0; if(m_drawNames){ flags = Otc::DrawNames; } if(m_drawHealthBars) { flags |= Otc::DrawBars; } creature->drawInformation(p, g_map.isCovered(pos, m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor), rect, flags); } } // lights are drawn after names and before texts if(m_drawLights) m_lightView->draw(rect, srcRect); if(m_viewMode == NEAR_VIEW && m_drawTexts) { for(const StaticTextPtr& staticText : g_map.getStaticTexts()) { Position pos = staticText->getPosition(); // ony draw static texts from current camera floor, unless yells //if(pos.z != cameraPosition.z && !staticText->isYell()) // continue; if(pos.z != cameraPosition.z && staticText->getMessageMode() == Otc::MessageNone) continue; Point p = transformPositionTo2D(pos, cameraPosition) - drawOffset; p.x = p.x * horizontalStretchFactor; p.y = p.y * verticalStretchFactor; p += rect.topLeft(); staticText->drawText(p, rect); } for(const AnimatedTextPtr& animatedText : g_map.getAnimatedTexts()) { Position pos = animatedText->getPosition(); /* // only draw animated texts from visible floors if(pos.z < m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor || pos.z > m_cachedLastVisibleFloor) continue; // dont draw animated texts from covered tiles if(pos.z != cameraPosition.z && g_map.isCovered(pos, m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor)) continue; */ if(pos.z != cameraPosition.z) continue; Point p = transformPositionTo2D(pos, cameraPosition) - drawOffset; p.x = p.x * horizontalStretchFactor; p.y = p.y * verticalStretchFactor; p += rect.topLeft(); animatedText->drawText(p, rect); } } } Agora procure por: void MapView::updateVisibleTilesCache(int start) { if(start == 0) { m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor = calcFirstVisibleFloor(); m_cachedLastVisibleFloor = calcLastVisibleFloor(); assert(m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor >= 0 && m_cachedLastVisibleFloor >= 0 && m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor <= Otc::MAX_Z && m_cachedLastVisibleFloor <= Otc::MAX_Z); if(m_cachedLastVisibleFloor < m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor) m_cachedLastVisibleFloor = m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor; m_cachedFloorVisibleCreatures.clear(); m_cachedVisibleTiles.clear(); m_mustCleanFramebuffer = true; m_mustDrawVisibleTilesCache = true; m_mustUpdateVisibleTilesCache = false; m_updateTilesPos = 0; } else m_mustCleanFramebuffer = false; // there is no tile to render on invalid positions Position cameraPosition = getCameraPosition(); if(!cameraPosition.isValid()) return; bool stop = false; // clear current visible tiles cache m_cachedVisibleTiles.clear(); m_mustDrawVisibleTilesCache = true; m_updateTilesPos = 0; // cache visible tiles in draw order // draw from last floor (the lower) to first floor (the higher) for(int iz = m_cachedLastVisibleFloor; iz >= m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor && !stop; --iz) { if(m_viewMode <= FAR_VIEW) { const int numDiagonals = m_drawDimension.width() + m_drawDimension.height() - 1; // loop through / diagonals beginning at top left and going to top right for(int diagonal = 0; diagonal < numDiagonals && !stop; ++diagonal) { // loop current diagonal tiles int advance = std::max<int>(diagonal - m_drawDimension.height(), 0); for(int iy = diagonal - advance, ix = advance; iy >= 0 && ix < m_drawDimension.width() && !stop; --iy, ++ix) { // only start really looking tiles in the desired start if(m_updateTilesPos < start) { m_updateTilesPos++; continue; } // avoid rendering too much tiles at once if((int)m_cachedVisibleTiles.size() > MAX_TILE_DRAWS && m_viewMode >= HUGE_VIEW) { stop = true; break; } // position on current floor //TODO: check position limits Position tilePos = cameraPosition.translated(ix - m_virtualCenterOffset.x, iy - m_virtualCenterOffset.y); // adjust tilePos to the wanted floor tilePos.coveredUp(cameraPosition.z - iz); if(const TilePtr& tile = g_map.getTile(tilePos)) { // skip tiles that have nothing if(!tile->isDrawable()) continue; // skip tiles that are completely behind another tile if(g_map.isCompletelyCovered(tilePos, m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor)) continue; m_cachedVisibleTiles.push_back(tile); } m_updateTilesPos++; } } } else { // cache tiles in spiral mode static std::vector<Point> m_spiral; if(start == 0) { m_spiral.resize(m_drawDimension.area()); int width = m_drawDimension.width(); int height = m_drawDimension.height(); int tpx = width/2 - 2; int tpy = height/2 - 2; int count = 0; Rect area(0, 0, m_drawDimension); m_spiral[count++] = Point(tpx+1,tpy+1); for(int step = 1; tpx >= 0 || tpy >= 0; ++step, --tpx, --tpy) { int qs = 2*step; Rect lines[4] = { Rect(tpx, tpy, qs, 1), Rect(tpx + qs, tpy, 1, qs), Rect(tpx + 1, tpy + qs, qs, 1), Rect(tpx, tpy + 1, 1, qs), }; for(int i=0;i<4;++i) { int sx = std::max<int>(lines[i].left(), area.left()); int ex = std::min<int>(lines[i].right(), area.right()); int sy = std::max<int>(lines[i].top(), area.top()); int ey = std::min<int>(lines[i].bottom(), area.bottom()); for(int qx=sx;qx<=ex;++qx) for(int qy=sy;qy<=ey;++qy) m_spiral[count++] = Point(qx, qy); } } } for(m_updateTilesPos = start; m_updateTilesPos < (int)m_spiral.size(); ++m_updateTilesPos) { // avoid rendering too much tiles at once if((int)m_cachedVisibleTiles.size() > MAX_TILE_DRAWS) { stop = true; break; } const Point& p = m_spiral[m_updateTilesPos]; Position tilePos = cameraPosition.translated(p.x - m_virtualCenterOffset.x, p.y - m_virtualCenterOffset.y); tilePos.coveredUp(cameraPosition.z - iz); if(const TilePtr& tile = g_map.getTile(tilePos)) { if(tile->isDrawable()) m_cachedVisibleTiles.push_back(tile); } } } } if(!stop) { m_updateTilesPos = 0; m_spiral.clear(); } if(start == 0 && m_viewMode <= NEAR_VIEW) m_cachedFloorVisibleCreatures = g_map.getSightSpectators(cameraPosition, false); } E substitua ele por: void MapView::updateVisibleTilesCache(int start) { int m_oldCachedFirstVisibleFloor = m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor; int m_oldCachedLastVisibleFloor = m_cachedLastVisibleFloor; bool m_mustUpdateFadeTilesCache = false; if(start == 0) { m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor = calcFirstVisibleFloor(); m_cachedLastVisibleFloor = calcLastVisibleFloor(); if (m_drawFadeEffect && m_oldCachedFirstVisibleFloor != m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor) m_mustUpdateFadeTilesCache = true; assert(m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor >= 0 && m_cachedLastVisibleFloor >= 0 && m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor <= Otc::MAX_Z && m_cachedLastVisibleFloor <= Otc::MAX_Z); if(m_cachedLastVisibleFloor < m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor) m_cachedLastVisibleFloor = m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor; m_cachedFloorVisibleCreatures.clear(); m_cachedVisibleTiles.clear(); m_mustCleanFramebuffer = true; m_mustDrawVisibleTilesCache = true; m_mustUpdateVisibleTilesCache = false; m_updateTilesPos = 0; } else m_mustCleanFramebuffer = false; // there is no tile to render on invalid positions Position cameraPosition = getCameraPosition(); if(!cameraPosition.isValid()) return; bool stop = false; // clear current visible tiles cache m_cachedVisibleTiles.clear(); m_mustDrawVisibleTilesCache = true; m_updateTilesPos = 0; // cache fade visible tiles // draw from first floor that is currently visible (the higher) to the last seen visible floor // effect is only present in view mode lower than FAR_VIEW. if (m_viewMode <= FAR_VIEW && m_mustUpdateFadeTilesCache) { m_cachedFadeTiles.clear(); if (m_oldCachedFirstVisibleFloor < m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor) { m_fadeCachedLastVisibleFloor = m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor-1; // The lowest floor will be the highest floor in cache, at least one floor above it. m_fadeCachedFirstVisibleFloor = m_oldCachedFirstVisibleFloor; // The highest floor will be the old highest visible floor. m_mustDrawFadeOutTilesCache = true; m_mustDrawFadeInTilesCache = false; } else { m_fadeCachedLastVisibleFloor = m_oldCachedFirstVisibleFloor - 1; // The lowest floor will be the highest floor in cache, at least one floor above it. m_fadeCachedFirstVisibleFloor = m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor; // The highest floor will be the old highest visible floor. m_mustDrawFadeOutTilesCache = false; m_mustDrawFadeInTilesCache = true; } if (m_lastCameraFloor != cameraPosition.z) { m_lastCameraFloor = cameraPosition.z; m_fadeStart = 0; } else { m_fadeStart = stdext::millis(); } for (int iz = m_fadeCachedLastVisibleFloor; iz >= m_fadeCachedFirstVisibleFloor; --iz) { const int numDiagonals = m_drawDimension.width() + m_drawDimension.height() - 1; // loop through / diagonals beginning at top left and going to top right for (int diagonal = 0; diagonal < numDiagonals; ++diagonal) { // loop current diagonal tiles int advance = std::max<int>(diagonal - m_drawDimension.height(), 0); for (int iy = diagonal - advance, ix = advance; iy >= 0 && ix < m_drawDimension.width(); --iy, ++ix) { // position on current floor // TODO: check position limits Position tilePos = cameraPosition.translated(ix - m_virtualCenterOffset.x, iy - m_virtualCenterOffset.y); // adjust tilePos to the wanted floor tilePos.coveredUp(cameraPosition.z - iz); if (const TilePtr& tile = g_map.getTile(tilePos)) { //skip tiles that have nothing if (!tile->isDrawable()) continue; //skip tiles that are completely behind another tile if (g_map.isCompletelyCovered(tilePos, m_fadeCachedFirstVisibleFloor)) continue; m_cachedFadeTiles.push_back(tile); } } } } } // cache visible tiles in draw order // draw from last floor (the lower) to first floor (the higher) for(int iz = m_cachedLastVisibleFloor; iz >= m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor && !stop; --iz) { if(m_viewMode <= FAR_VIEW) { const int numDiagonals = m_drawDimension.width() + m_drawDimension.height() - 1; // loop through / diagonals beginning at top left and going to top right for(int diagonal = 0; diagonal < numDiagonals && !stop; ++diagonal) { // loop current diagonal tiles int advance = std::max<int>(diagonal - m_drawDimension.height(), 0); for(int iy = diagonal - advance, ix = advance; iy >= 0 && ix < m_drawDimension.width() && !stop; --iy, ++ix) { // only start really looking tiles in the desired start if(m_updateTilesPos < start) { m_updateTilesPos++; continue; } // avoid rendering too much tiles at once if((int)m_cachedVisibleTiles.size() > MAX_TILE_DRAWS && m_viewMode >= HUGE_VIEW) { stop = true; break; } // position on current floor //TODO: check position limits Position tilePos = cameraPosition.translated(ix - m_virtualCenterOffset.x, iy - m_virtualCenterOffset.y); // adjust tilePos to the wanted floor tilePos.coveredUp(cameraPosition.z - iz); if(const TilePtr& tile = g_map.getTile(tilePos)) { // skip tiles that have nothing if(!tile->isDrawable()) continue; // skip tiles that are completely behind another tile if(g_map.isCompletelyCovered(tilePos, m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor)) if (m_mustDrawFadeInTilesCache && tilePos.z < m_fadeCachedLastVisibleFloor + 1) continue; m_cachedVisibleTiles.push_back(tile); } m_updateTilesPos++; } } } else { // cache tiles in spiral mode static std::vector<Point> m_spiral; if(start == 0) { m_spiral.resize(m_drawDimension.area()); int width = m_drawDimension.width(); int height = m_drawDimension.height(); int tpx = width/2 - 2; int tpy = height/2 - 2; int count = 0; Rect area(0, 0, m_drawDimension); m_spiral[count++] = Point(tpx+1,tpy+1); for(int step = 1; tpx >= 0 || tpy >= 0; ++step, --tpx, --tpy) { int qs = 2*step; Rect lines[4] = { Rect(tpx, tpy, qs, 1), Rect(tpx + qs, tpy, 1, qs), Rect(tpx + 1, tpy + qs, qs, 1), Rect(tpx, tpy + 1, 1, qs), }; for(int i=0;i<4;++i) { int sx = std::max<int>(lines[i].left(), area.left()); int ex = std::min<int>(lines[i].right(), area.right()); int sy = std::max<int>(lines[i].top(), area.top()); int ey = std::min<int>(lines[i].bottom(), area.bottom()); for(int qx=sx;qx<=ex;++qx) for(int qy=sy;qy<=ey;++qy) m_spiral[count++] = Point(qx, qy); } } } for(m_updateTilesPos = start; m_updateTilesPos < (int)m_spiral.size(); ++m_updateTilesPos) { // avoid rendering too much tiles at once if((int)m_cachedVisibleTiles.size() > MAX_TILE_DRAWS) { stop = true; break; } const Point& p = m_spiral[m_updateTilesPos]; Position tilePos = cameraPosition.translated(p.x - m_virtualCenterOffset.x, p.y - m_virtualCenterOffset.y); tilePos.coveredUp(cameraPosition.z - iz); if(const TilePtr& tile = g_map.getTile(tilePos)) { if(tile->isDrawable()) m_cachedVisibleTiles.push_back(tile); } } } } if(!stop) { m_updateTilesPos = 0; m_spiral.clear(); } if(start == 0 && m_viewMode <= NEAR_VIEW) m_cachedFloorVisibleCreatures = g_map.getSightSpectators(cameraPosition, false); } Agora procure por: void MapView::updateGeometry(const Size& visibleDimension, const Size& optimizedSize) { int tileSize = 0; Size bufferSize; int possiblesTileSizes[] = {1,2,4,8,16,32}; for(int candidateTileSize : possiblesTileSizes) { bufferSize = (visibleDimension + Size(3,3)) * candidateTileSize; if(bufferSize.width() > g_graphics.getMaxTextureSize() || bufferSize.height() > g_graphics.getMaxTextureSize()) break; tileSize = candidateTileSize; if(optimizedSize.width() < bufferSize.width() - 3*candidateTileSize && optimizedSize.height() < bufferSize.height() - 3*candidateTileSize) break; } if(tileSize == 0) { g_logger.traceError("reached max zoom out"); return; } Size drawDimension = visibleDimension + Size(3,3); Point virtualCenterOffset = (drawDimension/2 - Size(1,1)).toPoint(); Point visibleCenterOffset = virtualCenterOffset; ViewMode viewMode = m_viewMode; if(m_autoViewMode) { if(tileSize >= 32 && visibleDimension.area() <= NEAR_VIEW_AREA) viewMode = NEAR_VIEW; else if(tileSize >= 16 && visibleDimension.area() <= MID_VIEW_AREA) viewMode = MID_VIEW; else if(tileSize >= 8 && visibleDimension.area() <= FAR_VIEW_AREA) viewMode = FAR_VIEW; else viewMode = HUGE_VIEW; if(viewMode >= FAR_VIEW) m_multifloor = false; else m_multifloor = true; } // draw actually more than what is needed to avoid massive recalculations on huge views /* if(viewMode >= HUGE_VIEW) { Size oldDimension = drawDimension; drawDimension = (m_framebuffer->getSize() / tileSize); virtualCenterOffset += (drawDimension - oldDimension).toPoint() / 2; } m_viewMode = viewMode; m_visibleDimension = visibleDimension; m_drawDimension = drawDimension; m_tileSize = tileSize; m_virtualCenterOffset = virtualCenterOffset; m_visibleCenterOffset = visibleCenterOffset; m_optimizedSize = optimizedSize; m_framebuffer->resize(bufferSize); requestVisibleTilesCacheUpdate(); } E substitua por: void MapView::updateGeometry(const Size& visibleDimension, const Size& optimizedSize) { int tileSize = 0; Size bufferSize; int possiblesTileSizes[] = {1,2,4,8,16,32}; for(int candidateTileSize : possiblesTileSizes) { bufferSize = (visibleDimension + Size(3,3)) * candidateTileSize; if(bufferSize.width() > g_graphics.getMaxTextureSize() || bufferSize.height() > g_graphics.getMaxTextureSize()) break; tileSize = candidateTileSize; if(optimizedSize.width() < bufferSize.width() - 3*candidateTileSize && optimizedSize.height() < bufferSize.height() - 3*candidateTileSize) break; } if(tileSize == 0) { g_logger.traceError("reached max zoom out"); return; } Size drawDimension = visibleDimension + Size(3,3); Point virtualCenterOffset = (drawDimension/2 - Size(1,1)).toPoint(); Point visibleCenterOffset = virtualCenterOffset; ViewMode viewMode = m_viewMode; if(m_autoViewMode) { if(tileSize >= 32 && visibleDimension.area() <= NEAR_VIEW_AREA) viewMode = NEAR_VIEW; else if(tileSize >= 16 && visibleDimension.area() <= MID_VIEW_AREA) viewMode = MID_VIEW; else if(tileSize >= 8 && visibleDimension.area() <= FAR_VIEW_AREA) viewMode = FAR_VIEW; else viewMode = HUGE_VIEW; if(viewMode >= FAR_VIEW) m_multifloor = false; else m_multifloor = true; } m_viewMode = viewMode; m_visibleDimension = visibleDimension; m_drawDimension = drawDimension; m_tileSize = tileSize; m_virtualCenterOffset = virtualCenterOffset; m_visibleCenterOffset = visibleCenterOffset; m_optimizedSize = optimizedSize; m_framebuffer->resize(bufferSize); requestVisibleTilesCacheUpdate(); } SRC/CLIENT/MAPVIEW.H Spoiler Busque por: stdext::boolean<true> m_shaderSwitchDone; E embaixo dessa linha adicione: //efeito mapa by l3k0t stdext::boolean<true> m_drawFadeEffect; stdext::boolean<false> m_mustDrawFadeOutTilesCache; stdext::boolean<false> m_mustDrawFadeInTilesCache; std::vector<TilePtr> m_cachedFadeTiles; int m_fadeCachedFirstVisibleFloor; int m_lastCameraFloor; int m_fadeCachedLastVisibleFloor; ticks_t m_fadeStart; int m_fadeL3K0TTime; (Esse sistema foi testado na versão 0.6.6 do otClient) Créditos: L3K0T(Por desenvolver e compartilhar) 8 3 Link para o comentário https://tibiadevs.com/forums/topic/73-c-otclient-fade-tile/ Compartilhar em outros sites Mais opções de compartilhamento...
Suporte Mixlort 315 Postado 18 de Agosto 2023 Suporte Compartilhar Postado 18 de Agosto 2023 Seu tópico foi aprovado! L3kot é um mito!! Link para o comentário https://tibiadevs.com/forums/topic/73-c-otclient-fade-tile/#findComment-340 Compartilhar em outros sites Mais opções de compartilhamento...
otomeuhugo 134 Postado 18 de Agosto 2023 Autor Compartilhar Postado 18 de Agosto 2023 2 minutos atrás, Mixlort disse: Seu tópico foi aprovado! L3kot é um mito!! SIM!!! ACOMPANHEI MUITO A TRAJETÓRIO DELE, amava jogar o AMV. Link para o comentário https://tibiadevs.com/forums/topic/73-c-otclient-fade-tile/#findComment-341 Compartilhar em outros sites Mais opções de compartilhamento...
otomeuhugo 134 Postado 18 de Agosto 2023 Autor Compartilhar Postado 18 de Agosto 2023 6 minutos atrás, Mixlort disse: Seu tópico foi aprovado! L3kot é um mito!! O tópico continua aguardando a aprovação Link para o comentário https://tibiadevs.com/forums/topic/73-c-otclient-fade-tile/#findComment-342 Compartilhar em outros sites Mais opções de compartilhamento...
Administrador The Baker 3.743 Postado 18 de Agosto 2023 Administrador Compartilhar Postado 18 de Agosto 2023 Tópico Aprovado! Somos gratos por sua contribuição, com certeza será útil para toda a comunidade! ❤️ REP+ Link para o comentário https://tibiadevs.com/forums/topic/73-c-otclient-fade-tile/#findComment-343 Compartilhar em outros sites Mais opções de compartilhamento...
Dark 1 Postado 18 de Agosto 2023 Compartilhar Postado 18 de Agosto 2023 Esse efeito é o mesmo que já tem nativo no v8 e mehah? Link para o comentário https://tibiadevs.com/forums/topic/73-c-otclient-fade-tile/#findComment-348 Compartilhar em outros sites Mais opções de compartilhamento...
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