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Em 28/08/2024 em 12:57, furyons disse:

Baixei ele aqui vou testar agora ^^, o seu ai foi de boa com ele? ou usou o xampp mesmo?


Foi nada tive que abaixar o xamp

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15 horas atrás, Zeon disse:

o site que utilizei foi esse : 

This is the hidden content, please

ta dando esse erro


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2 horas atrás, Mga disse:

Foi nada tive que abaixar o xamp

o meu com o apple server funcionou de boas, mas tem que desinstalar o xampp e limpar o cach do navegador pro php myadmin rodar normal...

Porém a miseria do comandos de God que não funciona. mesmo alterando no banco de dados e no lib/cofiguraçoes...

e percebi que as stoens não estão funcionando pra evoluir os pokes kkkk 

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Agora, furyons disse:

o meu com o apple server funcionou de boas, porém a miseria do comandos de God que não funciona. mesmo alterando no banco de dados e no lib/cofiguraçoes...

e percebi que as stoens não estão funcionando pra evoluir os pokes kkkk 

Tô na mesma situação sua em ..o comando dos GoD não vai ..vou ver com mas tempo o Poke HP tava na mesma situação e eu consegui resolver só não lembro como ..

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8 minutos atrás, Mga disse:

Tô na mesma situação sua em ..o comando dos GoD não vai ..vou ver com mas tempo o Poke HP tava na mesma situação e eu consegui resolver só não lembro como ..

encotrei outro a pokebar não atualiza, peguei 6 pokes e depois ta retirei alguns e catei outros e a barra ta travada nos 6 primeiros que peguei ^^

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3 minutos atrás, furyons disse:

encotrei outro a pokebar não atualiza, peguei 6 pokes e depois ta retirei alguns e catei outros e a barra ta travada nos 6 primeiros que peguei ^^

Tá de brincadeira ..achei que ia fica top pra um projeto em cima por causa dos sistemas kkkk

Tá quase igual o brave kkk

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4 minutos atrás, furyons disse:

encotrei outro a pokebar não atualiza, peguei 6 pokes e depois ta retirei alguns e catei outros e a barra ta travada nos 6 primeiros que peguei ^^

Tô quase voltando pro pokeHP ou sekai 

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  • 4 semanas atrás...
Em 29/08/2024 em 20:56, Mga disse:

Tá de brincadeira ..achei que ia fica top pra um projeto em cima por causa dos sistemas kkkk

Tá quase igual o brave kkk

O Brave é caso perdido, pior que eu comprei a suposta SPR do Dono que combinasse com a Base, e o cara me vendeu o bgl literalmente zerado kkkkkk tinha nada configurado  man


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9 horas atrás, Cloud disse:

O Brave é caso perdido, pior que eu comprei a suposta SPR do Dono que combinasse com a Base, e o cara me vendeu o bgl literalmente zerado kkkkkk tinha nada configurado  man


Caramba mano .. os cara tá indicando o Brave pra projetinho ..puts

Qual vc indicaria então ?

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Em 21/09/2024 em 12:08, Mga disse:

Caramba mano .. os cara tá indicando o Brave pra projetinho ..puts

Qual vc indicaria então ?

Minha sincera opinião? Base Pota Tfs 1.2 

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  • 2 semanas atrás...
Em 06/10/2024 em 23:11, Maaster Poketibias disse:

cara como consigo colocar ele online só para mim ver como está o game? 


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  • 1 mês depois...

Alguém poderia reestruturar o post para ter uma seção WINDOWS e uma seção LINUX para rodar?

Outra coisa alguém indicaria alguma pagina para rodar ele "WWW" ?


Obs: Rodar no windows deu vários problemas na hora de subir e aparentemente nos itens

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boa tarde preciso de uma ajuda eu peguei a base porem nao conigo ligar a base nao tem o executor e da erro no  mysql para ligar o server poderia me ajudar a resolver isso

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1 hora atrás, patrickgoulart28 disse:

boa tarde preciso de uma ajuda eu peguei a base porem nao conigo ligar a base nao tem o executor e da erro no  mysql para ligar o server poderia me ajudar a resolver isso

Alguns comentários acima tem um vídeo de como deixar essa base rodando da uma olhada nele...

Quanto ao .exe esta na pasta zipada com nome "pokemon dash advanced" 

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alguem sabe ai como resolver esse erro dos loot nao ir pra bag e n dropa? so aparece as stones tem uma "bag de loots" que todo pokemons que matassem eles deveria ir pra essa bag e nao vai

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Em 29/8/2024 em 3:57, Zeon disse:

el sitio web que utilicé fue este: 

This is the hidden content, please

Que programa usas para editar el mapa ?

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  • 3 semanas atrás...

O mais interessante nisso tudo é que toda hora eu vejo nego postando base minha sem minha autorização, e o melhor que foram roubadas durante o tempo, ai quando nego vinha me procurando pedindo "instalação de sistemas" que já existem no fórum, eu fui taxado como ladrão, mas maluco que sempre roubou minha base e postou aqui não é ladrão, essa comunidade é realmente porca e sem sentido nenhum, façam bom uso dessa lixeira ai.

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-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 5.2.1
-- Host:
-- Tempo de geração: 19/12/2024 às 03:04
-- Versão do servidor: 10.4.32-MariaDB
-- Versão do PHP: 8.1.25

SET time_zone = "+00:00";

/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */;

-- Banco de dados: `pokemon1`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `accounts`

CREATE TABLE `accounts` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `password` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `premdays` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `lastday` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `key` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `blocked` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'internal usage',
  `warnings` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
  `viptime` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `page_access` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `hash` text NOT NULL,
  `web_lastlogin` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `web_flags` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `email_hash` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `email_verified` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `email_new` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `email_new_time` int(15) DEFAULT NULL,
  `rlname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `location` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `country` varchar(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `created` int(16) DEFAULT NULL,
  `email_code` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `email_next` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `premium_points` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `nickname` char(48) DEFAULT NULL,
  `avatar` char(48) DEFAULT NULL,
  `about_me` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `backup_points` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `guild_points` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `create_date` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `create_ip` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `last_post` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `flag` varchar(80) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `vip_time` int(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `vote` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- Despejando dados para a tabela `accounts`

INSERT INTO `accounts` (`id`, `name`, `password`, `premdays`, `lastday`, `email`, `key`, `blocked`, `warnings`, `group_id`, `viptime`, `page_access`, `hash`, `web_lastlogin`, `web_flags`, `email_hash`, `email_verified`, `email_new`, `email_new_time`, `rlname`, `location`, `country`, `created`, `email_code`, `email_next`, `premium_points`, `nickname`, `avatar`, `about_me`, `backup_points`, `guild_points`, `create_date`, `create_ip`, `last_post`, `flag`, `vip_time`, `vote`) VALUES
(2, 'kkkkk32515', '4d9012b4a77aAS2D31AS21D9524d675dad27c3276ab5705e5e8', 0, 1734571310, '', '', 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, '', 0, 0, '', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0);

-- Acionadores `accounts`
CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_accounts` BEFORE DELETE ON `accounts` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `type` NOT IN(1, 2) AND `value` = OLD.`id`; END

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `bans`

  `id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `player_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `active` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
  `expires` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `reason` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `admin_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `donations`

CREATE TABLE `donations` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `account_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `value` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `bonus` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `status` varchar(255) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `global_storage`

CREATE TABLE `global_storage` (
  `key` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `value` text NOT NULL,
  `world_id` tinyint(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `guilds`

CREATE TABLE `guilds` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `world_id` tinyint(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `ownerid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `creationdata` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `motd` varchar(255) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- Acionadores `guilds`
CREATE TRIGGER `oncreate_guilds` AFTER INSERT ON `guilds` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO `guild_ranks` (`name`, `level`, `guild_id`) VALUES ('Leader', 3, NEW.`id`); INSERT INTO `guild_ranks` (`name`, `level`, `guild_id`) VALUES ('Vice-Leader', 2, NEW.`id`); INSERT INTO `guild_ranks` (`name`, `level`, `guild_id`) VALUES ('Member', 1, NEW.`id`); END
CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_guilds` BEFORE DELETE ON `guilds` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE `players` SET `guildnick` = '', `rank_id` = 0 WHERE `rank_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `guild_ranks` WHERE `guild_id` = OLD.`id`); END

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `guild_invites`

CREATE TABLE `guild_invites` (
  `player_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `guild_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `guild_ranks`

CREATE TABLE `guild_ranks` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `guild_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `level` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '1 - leader, 2 - vice leader, 3 - member'
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `houses`

CREATE TABLE `houses` (
  `id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `world_id` tinyint(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `owner` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `paid` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `warnings` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `lastwarning` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `town` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `size` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `price` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `rent` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `doors` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `beds` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `tiles` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `guild` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `clear` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- Despejando dados para a tabela `houses`

INSERT INTO `houses` (`id`, `world_id`, `owner`, `paid`, `warnings`, `lastwarning`, `name`, `town`, `size`, `price`, `rent`, `doors`, `beds`, `tiles`, `guild`, `clear`) VALUES
(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #01', 1, 49, 81000, 0, 1, 0, 81, 0, 0),
(2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #02', 1, 49, 72000, 0, 1, 0, 72, 0, 0),
(3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #03', 1, 249, 432000, 0, 5, 0, 432, 0, 0),
(4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #04', 1, 49, 90000, 0, 2, 0, 90, 0, 0),
(5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #05', 1, 84, 156000, 0, 2, 0, 156, 0, 0),
(6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #06', 1, 348, 604000, 0, 7, 0, 604, 0, 0),
(7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #07', 1, 97, 180000, 0, 3, 0, 180, 0, 0),
(8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #08', 1, 84, 126000, 0, 1, 0, 126, 0, 0),
(9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #09', 1, 91, 144000, 0, 2, 0, 144, 0, 0),
(10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #10', 1, 84, 144000, 0, 3, 0, 144, 0, 0),
(11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #11', 1, 78, 126000, 0, 2, 0, 126, 0, 0),
(12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #12', 1, 105, 180000, 0, 2, 0, 180, 0, 0),
(13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #13', 1, 110, 180000, 0, 3, 0, 180, 0, 0),
(14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #14', 1, 199, 336000, 0, 4, 0, 336, 0, 0),
(15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #15', 1, 147, 225000, 0, 3, 0, 225, 0, 0),
(16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #16', 1, 48, 90000, 0, 2, 0, 90, 0, 0),
(17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #17', 1, 42, 63000, 0, 1, 0, 63, 0, 0),
(18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #18', 1, 45, 77000, 0, 1, 0, 77, 0, 0),
(19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #19', 1, 70, 110000, 0, 2, 0, 110, 0, 0),
(20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #20', 1, 91, 153000, 0, 3, 0, 153, 0, 0),
(21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #21', 1, 62, 99000, 0, 3, 0, 99, 0, 0),
(22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #22', 1, 48, 88000, 0, 3, 0, 88, 0, 0),
(23, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #23', 1, 115, 187000, 0, 3, 0, 187, 0, 0),
(24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #24', 1, 49, 72000, 0, 1, 0, 72, 0, 0),
(25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #25', 1, 49, 81000, 0, 1, 0, 81, 0, 0),
(26, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #26', 1, 91, 153000, 0, 3, 0, 153, 0, 0),
(27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #27', 1, 117, 187000, 0, 3, 0, 187, 0, 0),
(28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #28', 1, 227, 380000, 0, 10, 0, 380, 0, 0),
(29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #29', 1, 45, 77000, 0, 2, 0, 77, 0, 0),
(30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #30', 1, 182, 287000, 0, 1, 0, 287, 0, 0),
(31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #31', 1, 276, 476000, 0, 2, 0, 476, 0, 0),
(32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #32', 1, 75, 119000, 0, 1, 0, 119, 0, 0),
(33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #33', 1, 164, 297000, 0, 4, 0, 297, 0, 0),
(34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #34', 1, 154, 270000, 0, 2, 0, 270, 0, 0),
(35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #35', 1, 56, 102000, 0, 2, 0, 102, 0, 0),
(36, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #36', 1, 28, 48000, 0, 1, 0, 48, 0, 0),
(37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #37', 1, 28, 54000, 0, 1, 0, 54, 0, 0),
(38, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #38', 1, 60, 93000, 0, 1, 0, 93, 0, 0),
(39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #39', 1, 60, 102000, 0, 1, 0, 102, 0, 0),
(40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #40', 1, 225, 343000, 0, 2, 0, 343, 0, 0),
(41, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #41', 1, 76, 144000, 0, 2, 0, 144, 0, 0),
(42, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #42', 1, 170, 270000, 0, 2, 0, 270, 0, 0),
(43, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Saffron House #43', 1, 232, 364000, 0, 4, 0, 364, 0, 0);

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `house_auctions`

CREATE TABLE `house_auctions` (
  `house_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `world_id` tinyint(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `player_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `bid` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `limit` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `endtime` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `house_data`

CREATE TABLE `house_data` (
  `house_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `world_id` tinyint(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `data` longblob NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `house_lists`

CREATE TABLE `house_lists` (
  `house_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `world_id` tinyint(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `listid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `list` text NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `market_items`

CREATE TABLE `market_items` (
  `id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `playerseller_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `itemtype` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `amount` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `price` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `inserted` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `oncreate_guilds`

CREATE TABLE `oncreate_guilds` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `players`

CREATE TABLE `players` (
  `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `world_id` tinyint(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
  `account_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `level` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
  `vocation` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `health` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 150,
  `healthmax` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 150,
  `experience` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `lookbody` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `lookfeet` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `lookhead` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `looklegs` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `looktype` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 136,
  `lookaddons` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `maglevel` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `mana` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `manamax` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `manaspent` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `soul` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `town_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `posx` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `posy` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `posz` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `conditions` blob NOT NULL,
  `cap` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `sex` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `lastlogin` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `lastip` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `save` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
  `skull` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `skulltime` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `rank_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `guildnick` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `lastlogout` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `blessings` tinyint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `balance` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `stamina` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 151200000 COMMENT 'stored in miliseconds',
  `direction` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 2,
  `loss_experience` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 100,
  `loss_mana` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 100,
  `loss_skills` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 100,
  `loss_containers` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 100,
  `loss_items` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 100,
  `online` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `marriage` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `marrystatus` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `promotion` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `deleted` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `old_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `hide_char` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `worldtransfer` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `created` int(16) DEFAULT NULL,
  `nick_verify` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `comment` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `torneio` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- Despejando dados para a tabela `players`

INSERT INTO `players` (`id`, `name`, `world_id`, `group_id`, `account_id`, `level`, `vocation`, `health`, `healthmax`, `experience`, `lookbody`, `lookfeet`, `lookhead`, `looklegs`, `looktype`, `lookaddons`, `maglevel`, `mana`, `manamax`, `manaspent`, `soul`, `town_id`, `posx`, `posy`, `posz`, `conditions`, `cap`, `sex`, `lastlogin`, `lastip`, `save`, `skull`, `skulltime`, `rank_id`, `guildnick`, `lastlogout`, `blessings`, `balance`, `stamina`, `direction`, `loss_experience`, `loss_mana`, `loss_skills`, `loss_containers`, `loss_items`, `premend`, `online`, `marriage`, `marrystatus`, `promotion`, `deleted`, `description`, `old_name`, `hide_char`, `worldtransfer`, `created`, `nick_verify`, `comment`, `torneio`) VALUES
(1, 'Account Manager', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 150, 150, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 7, '', 400, 0, 1734544489, 16777343, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 201660000, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0),
(2, 'Pokemon Trainer Sample', 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 150, 150, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 510, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 1, 1070, 1206, 7, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 201660000, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 'This player has no comment at this moment.', 0),
(17, 'delete', 0, 6, 8, 1, 1, 150, 150, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 510, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 1, 1070, 1206, 7, '', 0, 0, 1734554171, 16777343, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 201660000, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 'This player has no comment at this moment.', 0),
(18, 'limpe DB', 0, 1, 8, 51, 1, 900, 900, 1982850, 33, 64, 0, 34, 4056, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 101, 1, 1054, 1061, 7, '', 400, 1, 1734554449, 16777343, 1, 0, 0, 0, '', 1734554459, 0, 0, 150427000, 2, 25, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);

-- Acionadores `players`
	INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 0, 10);
	INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 1, 10);
	INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 2, 10);
	INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 3, 10);
	INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 4, 10);
	INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 5, 10);
	INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 6, 10);
	DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `type` IN (2, 5) AND `value` = OLD.`id`;
	UPDATE `houses` SET `owner` = 0 WHERE `owner` = OLD.`id`;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `player_balls`

CREATE TABLE `player_balls` (
  `bim` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `playername` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `pokename` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `boost` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `heldx` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `heldy` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `balltype` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `lastowner` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `lastupdate` int(25) DEFAULT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `player_catchs`

CREATE TABLE `player_catchs` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `pokemon_id` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  `player_name` varchar(15) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `player_deaths`

CREATE TABLE `player_deaths` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `player_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `date` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `level` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `monster` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Undefinned'
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `player_depotitems`

CREATE TABLE `player_depotitems` (
  `player_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `sid` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'any given range, eg. 0-100 is reserved for depot lockers and all above 100 will be normal items inside depots',
  `pid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `itemtype` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `count` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `attributes` blob NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `player_killers`

CREATE TABLE `player_killers` (
  `kill_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `player_id` int(11) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `player_namelocks`

CREATE TABLE `player_namelocks` (
  `player_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `new_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `date` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `player_resets`

CREATE TABLE `player_resets` (
  `playerid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `playername` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `resets` int(11) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `player_seller`

CREATE TABLE `player_seller` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `account_seller` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `char_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `price` int(11) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `player_skills`

CREATE TABLE `player_skills` (
  `player_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `skillid` tinyint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `value` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `count` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- Despejando dados para a tabela `player_skills`

INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`, `count`) VALUES
(67, 0, 10, 0),
(67, 1, 10, 0),
(67, 2, 10, 0),
(67, 3, 10, 0),
(67, 4, 10, 0),
(67, 5, 10, 0),
(67, 6, 10, 0),
(1, 0, 10, 0),
(1, 1, 10, 0),
(1, 2, 10, 0),
(1, 3, 10, 0),
(1, 4, 10, 0),
(1, 5, 10, 0),
(1, 6, 10, 0),
(2, 0, 10, 0),
(2, 1, 10, 0),
(2, 2, 10, 0),
(2, 3, 10, 0),
(2, 4, 10, 0),
(2, 5, 10, 0),
(2, 6, 10, 0),
(17, 0, 10, 0),
(17, 1, 10, 0),
(17, 2, 10, 0),
(17, 3, 10, 0),
(17, 4, 10, 0),
(17, 5, 10, 0),
(17, 6, 10, 0),
(18, 0, 10, 0),
(18, 1, 10, 0),
(18, 2, 10, 0),
(18, 3, 10, 0),
(18, 4, 10, 0),
(18, 5, 10, 0),
(18, 6, 10, 0);

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `player_spells`

CREATE TABLE `player_spells` (
  `player_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `player_storage`

CREATE TABLE `player_storage` (
  `player_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `key` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `value` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `player_viplist`

CREATE TABLE `player_viplist` (
  `player_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `vip_id` int(11) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `pokedex`

CREATE TABLE `pokedex` (
  `wild_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `type1` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `type2` varchar(20) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- Despejando dados para a tabela `pokedex`

INSERT INTO `pokedex` (`wild_id`, `name`, `type1`, `type2`) VALUES
(1, 'Bulbasaur', 'Grass', 'Poison'),
(2, 'Ivysaur', 'Grass', 'Poison'),
(3, 'Venusaur', 'Grass', 'Poison'),
(4, 'Charmander', 'Fire', ''),
(5, 'Charmeleon', 'Fire', ''),
(6, 'Charizard', 'Fire', 'Flying'),
(7, 'Squirtle', 'Water', ''),
(8, 'Wartortle', 'Water', ''),
(9, 'Blastoise', 'Water', ''),
(10, 'Caterpie', 'Bug', ''),
(11, 'Metapod', 'Bug', ''),
(12, 'Butterfree', 'Bug', 'Flying'),
(13, 'Weedle', 'Bug', 'Poison'),
(14, 'Kakuna', 'Bug', 'Poison'),
(15, 'Beedrill', 'Bug', 'Poison'),
(16, 'Pidgey', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(17, 'Pidgeotto', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(18, 'Pidgeot', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(19, 'Rattata', 'Normal', ''),
(20, 'Raticate', 'Normal', ''),
(21, 'Spearow', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(22, 'Fearow', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(23, 'Ekans', 'Poison', ''),
(24, 'Arbok', 'Poison', ''),
(25, 'Pikachu', 'Electric', ''),
(26, 'Raichu', 'Electric', ''),
(27, 'Sandshrew', 'Ground', ''),
(28, 'Sandslash', 'Ground', ''),
(29, 'Nidoran f', 'Poison', ''),
(30, 'Nidorina', 'Poison', ''),
(31, 'Nidoqueen', 'Poison', 'Ground'),
(32, 'Nidoran m', 'Poison', ''),
(33, 'Nidorino', 'Poison', ''),
(34, 'Nidoking', 'Poison', 'Ground'),
(35, 'Clefairy', 'Fairy', ''),
(36, 'Clefable', 'Fairy', ''),
(37, 'Vulpix', 'Fire', ''),
(38, 'Ninetales', 'Fire', ''),
(39, 'Jigglypuff', 'Normal', 'Fairy'),
(40, 'Wigglytuff', 'Normal', 'Fairy'),
(41, 'Zubat', 'Poison', 'Flying'),
(42, 'Golbat', 'Poison', 'Flying'),
(43, 'Oddish', 'Grass', 'Poison'),
(44, 'Gloom', 'Grass', 'Poison'),
(45, 'Vileplume', 'Grass', 'Poison'),
(46, 'Paras', 'Bug', 'Grass'),
(47, 'Parasect', 'Bug', 'Grass'),
(48, 'Venonat', 'Bug', 'Poison'),
(49, 'Venomoth', 'Bug', 'Poison'),
(50, 'Diglett', 'Ground', ''),
(51, 'Dugtrio', 'Ground', ''),
(52, 'Meowth', 'Normal', ''),
(53, 'Persian', 'Normal', ''),
(54, 'Psyduck', 'Water', ''),
(55, 'Golduck', 'Water', ''),
(56, 'Mankey', 'Fighting', ''),
(57, 'Primeape', 'Fighting', ''),
(58, 'Growlithe', 'Fire', ''),
(59, 'Arcanine', 'Fire', ''),
(60, 'Poliwag', 'Water', ''),
(61, 'Poliwhirl', 'Water', ''),
(62, 'Poliwrath', 'Water', 'Fighting'),
(63, 'Abra', 'Psychic', ''),
(64, 'Kadabra', 'Psychic', ''),
(65, 'Alakazam', 'Psychic', ''),
(66, 'Machop', 'Fighting', ''),
(67, 'Machoke', 'Fighting', ''),
(68, 'Machamp', 'Fighting', ''),
(69, 'Bellsprout', 'Grass', 'Poison'),
(70, 'Weepinbell', 'Grass', 'Poison'),
(71, 'Victreebel', 'Grass', 'Poison'),
(72, 'Tentacool', 'Water', 'Poison'),
(73, 'Tentacruel', 'Water', 'Poison'),
(74, 'Geodude', 'Rock', 'Ground'),
(75, 'Graveler', 'Rock', 'Ground'),
(76, 'Golem', 'Rock', 'Ground'),
(77, 'Ponyta', 'Fire', ''),
(78, 'Rapidash', 'Fire', ''),
(79, 'Slowpoke', 'Water', 'Psychic'),
(80, 'Slowbro', 'Water', 'Psychic'),
(81, 'Magnemite', 'Electric', 'Steel'),
(82, 'Magneton', 'Electric', 'Steel'),
(83, 'Farfetchd', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(84, 'Doduo', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(85, 'Dodrio', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(86, 'Seel', 'Water', ''),
(87, 'Dewgong', 'Water', 'Ice'),
(88, 'Grimer', 'Poison', ''),
(89, 'Muk', 'Poison', ''),
(90, 'Shellder', 'Water', ''),
(91, 'Cloyster', 'Water', 'Ice'),
(92, 'Gastly', 'Ghost', 'Poison'),
(93, 'Haunter', 'Ghost', 'Poison'),
(94, 'Gengar', 'Ghost', 'Poison'),
(95, 'Onix', 'Rock', 'Ground'),
(96, 'Drowzee', 'Psychic', ''),
(97, 'Hypno', 'Psychic', ''),
(98, 'Krabby', 'Water', ''),
(99, 'Kingler', 'Water', ''),
(100, 'Voltorb', 'Electric', ''),
(101, 'Electrode', 'Electric', ''),
(102, 'Exeggcute', 'Grass', 'Psychic'),
(103, 'Exeggutor', 'Grass', 'Psychic'),
(104, 'Cubone', 'Ground', ''),
(105, 'Marowak', 'Ground', ''),
(106, 'Hitmonlee', 'Fighting', ''),
(107, 'Hitmonchan', 'Fighting', ''),
(108, 'Lickitung', 'Normal', ''),
(109, 'Koffing', 'Poison', ''),
(110, 'Weezing', 'Poison', ''),
(111, 'Rhyhorn', 'Ground', 'Rock'),
(112, 'Rhydon', 'Ground', 'Rock'),
(113, 'Chansey', 'Normal', ''),
(114, 'Tangela', 'Grass', ''),
(115, 'Kangaskhan', 'Normal', ''),
(116, 'Horsea', 'Water', ''),
(117, 'Seadra', 'Water', ''),
(118, 'Goldeen', 'Water', ''),
(119, 'Seaking', 'Water', ''),
(120, 'Staryu', 'Water', ''),
(121, 'Starmie', 'Water', 'Psychic'),
(122, 'Mr. Mime', 'Psychic', 'Fairy'),
(123, 'Scyther', 'Bug', 'Flying'),
(124, 'Jynx', 'Ice', 'Psychic'),
(125, 'Electabuzz', 'Electric', ''),
(126, 'Magmar', 'Fire', ''),
(127, 'Pinsir', 'Bug', ''),
(128, 'Tauros', 'Normal', ''),
(129, 'Magikarp', 'Water', ''),
(130, 'Gyarados', 'Water', 'Flying'),
(131, 'Lapras', 'Water', 'Ice'),
(132, 'Ditto', 'Normal', ''),
(133, 'Eevee', 'Normal', ''),
(134, 'Vaporeon', 'Water', ''),
(135, 'Jolteon', 'Electric', ''),
(136, 'Flareon', 'Fire', ''),
(137, 'Porygon', 'Normal', ''),
(138, 'Omanyte', 'Rock', 'Water'),
(139, 'Omastar', 'Rock', 'Water'),
(140, 'Kabuto', 'Rock', 'Water'),
(141, 'Kabutops', 'Rock', 'Water'),
(142, 'Aerodactyl', 'Rock', 'Flying'),
(143, 'Snorlax', 'Normal', ''),
(144, 'Articuno', 'Ice', 'Flying'),
(145, 'Zapdos', 'Electric', 'Flying'),
(146, 'Moltres', 'Fire', 'Flying'),
(147, 'Dratini', 'Dragon', ''),
(148, 'Dragonair', 'Dragon', ''),
(149, 'Dragonite', 'Dragon', 'Flying'),
(150, 'Mewtwo', 'Psychic', ''),
(151, 'Mew', 'Psychic', ''),
(152, 'Chikorita', 'Grass', ''),
(153, 'Bayleef', 'Grass', ''),
(154, 'Meganium', 'Grass', ''),
(155, 'Cyndaquil', 'Fire', ''),
(156, 'Quilava', 'Fire', ''),
(157, 'Typhlosion', 'Fire', ''),
(158, 'Totodile', 'Water', ''),
(159, 'Croconaw', 'Water', ''),
(160, 'Feraligatr', 'Water', ''),
(161, 'Sentret', 'Normal', ''),
(162, 'Furret', 'Normal', ''),
(163, 'Hoothoot', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(164, 'Noctowl', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(165, 'Ledyba', 'Bug', 'Flying'),
(166, 'Ledian', 'Bug', 'Flying'),
(167, 'Spinarak', 'Bug', 'Poison'),
(168, 'Ariados', 'Bug', 'Poison'),
(169, 'Crobat', 'Poison', 'Flying'),
(170, 'Chinchou', 'Water', 'Electric'),
(171, 'Lanturn', 'Water', 'Electric'),
(172, 'Pichu', 'Electric', ''),
(173, 'Cleffa', 'Fairy', ''),
(174, 'Igglybuff', 'Normal', 'Fairy'),
(175, 'Togepi', 'Fairy', ''),
(176, 'Togetic', 'Fairy', 'Flying'),
(177, 'Natu', 'Psychic', 'Flying'),
(178, 'Xatu', 'Psychic', 'Flying'),
(179, 'Mareep', 'Electric', ''),
(180, 'Flaaffy', 'Electric', ''),
(181, 'Ampharos', 'Electric', ''),
(182, 'Bellossom', 'Grass', ''),
(183, 'Marill', 'Water', 'Fairy'),
(184, 'Azumarill', 'Water', 'Fairy'),
(185, 'Sudowoodo', 'Rock', ''),
(186, 'Politoed', 'Water', ''),
(187, 'Hoppip', 'Grass', 'Flying'),
(188, 'Skiploom', 'Grass', 'Flying'),
(189, 'Jumpluff', 'Grass', 'Flying'),
(190, 'Aipom', 'Normal', ''),
(191, 'Sunkern', 'Grass', ''),
(192, 'Sunflora', 'Grass', ''),
(193, 'Yanma', 'Bug', 'Flying'),
(194, 'Wooper', 'Water', 'Ground'),
(195, 'Quagsire', 'Water', 'Ground'),
(196, 'Espeon', 'Psychic', ''),
(197, 'Umbreon', 'Dark', ''),
(198, 'Murkrow', 'Dark', 'Flying'),
(199, 'Slowking', 'Water', 'Psychic'),
(200, 'Misdreavus', 'Ghost', ''),
(201, 'Unown', 'Psychic', ''),
(202, 'Wobbuffet', 'Psychic', ''),
(203, 'Girafarig', 'Normal', 'Psychic'),
(204, 'Pineco', 'Bug', ''),
(205, 'Forretress', 'Bug', 'Steel'),
(206, 'Dunsparce', 'Normal', ''),
(207, 'Gligar', 'Ground', 'Flying'),
(208, 'Steelix', 'Steel', 'Ground'),
(209, 'Snubbull', 'Fairy', ''),
(210, 'Granbull', 'Fairy', ''),
(211, 'Qwilfish', 'Water', 'Poison'),
(212, 'Scizor', 'Bug', 'Steel'),
(213, 'Shuckle', 'Bug', 'Rock'),
(214, 'Heracross', 'Bug', 'Fighting'),
(215, 'Sneasel', 'Dark', 'Ice'),
(216, 'Teddiursa', 'Normal', ''),
(217, 'Ursaring', 'Normal', ''),
(218, 'Slugma', 'Fire', ''),
(219, 'Magcargo', 'Fire', 'Rock'),
(220, 'Swinub', 'Ice', 'Ground'),
(221, 'Piloswine', 'Ice', 'Ground'),
(222, 'Corsola', 'Water', 'Rock'),
(223, 'Remoraid', 'Water', ''),
(224, 'Octillery', 'Water', ''),
(225, 'Delibird', 'Ice', 'Flying'),
(226, 'Mantine', 'Water', 'Flying'),
(227, 'Skarmory', 'Steel', 'Flying'),
(228, 'Houndour', 'Dark', 'Fire'),
(229, 'Houndoom', 'Dark', 'Fire'),
(230, 'Kingdra', 'Water', 'Dragon'),
(231, 'Phanpy', 'Ground', ''),
(232, 'Donphan', 'Ground', ''),
(233, 'Porygon2', 'Normal', ''),
(234, 'Stantler', 'Normal', ''),
(235, 'Smeargle', 'Normal', ''),
(236, 'Tyrogue', 'Fighting', ''),
(237, 'Hitmontop', 'Fighting', ''),
(238, 'Smoochum', 'Ice', 'Psychic'),
(239, 'Elekid', 'Electric', ''),
(240, 'Magby', 'Fire', ''),
(241, 'Miltank', 'Normal', ''),
(242, 'Blissey', 'Normal', ''),
(243, 'Raikou', 'Electric', ''),
(244, 'Entei', 'Fire', ''),
(245, 'Suicune', 'Water', ''),
(246, 'Larvitar', 'Rock', 'Ground'),
(247, 'Pupitar', 'Rock', 'Ground'),
(248, 'Tyranitar', 'Rock', 'Dark'),
(249, 'Lugia', 'Psychic', 'Flying'),
(250, 'Ho-oh', 'Fire', 'Flying'),
(251, 'Celebi', 'Psychic', 'Grass'),
(252, 'Treecko', 'Grass', ''),
(253, 'Grovyle', 'Grass', ''),
(254, 'Sceptile', 'Grass', ''),
(255, 'Torchic', 'Fire', ''),
(256, 'Combusken', 'Fire', 'Fighting'),
(257, 'Blaziken', 'Fire', 'Fighting'),
(258, 'Mudkip', 'Water', ''),
(259, 'Marshtomp', 'Water', 'Ground'),
(260, 'Swampert', 'Water', 'Ground'),
(261, 'Poochyena', 'Dark', ''),
(262, 'Mightyena', 'Dark', ''),
(263, 'Zigzagoon', 'Normal', ''),
(264, 'Linoone', 'Normal', ''),
(265, 'Wurmple', 'Bug', ''),
(266, 'Silcoon', 'Bug', ''),
(267, 'Beautifly', 'Bug', 'Flying'),
(268, 'Cascoon', 'Bug', ''),
(269, 'Dustox', 'Bug', 'Poison'),
(270, 'Lotad', 'Water', 'Grass'),
(271, 'Lombre', 'Water', 'Grass'),
(272, 'Ludicolo', 'Water', 'Grass'),
(273, 'Seedot', 'Grass', ''),
(274, 'Nuzleaf', 'Grass', 'Dark'),
(275, 'Shiftry', 'Grass', 'Dark'),
(276, 'Taillow', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(277, 'Swellow', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(278, 'Wingull', 'Water', 'Flying'),
(279, 'Pelipper', 'Water', 'Flying'),
(280, 'Ralts', 'Psychic', 'Fairy'),
(281, 'Kirlia', 'Psychic', 'Fairy'),
(282, 'Gardevoir', 'Psychic', 'Fairy'),
(283, 'Surskit', 'Bug', 'Water'),
(284, 'Masquerain', 'Bug', 'Flying'),
(285, 'Shroomish', 'Grass', ''),
(286, 'Breloom', 'Grass', 'Fighting'),
(287, 'Slakoth', 'Normal', ''),
(288, 'Vigoroth', 'Normal', ''),
(289, 'Slaking', 'Normal', ''),
(290, 'Nincada', 'Bug', 'Ground'),
(291, 'Ninjask', 'Bug', 'Flying'),
(292, 'Shedinja', 'Bug', 'Ghost'),
(293, 'Whismur', 'Normal', ''),
(294, 'Loudred', 'Normal', ''),
(295, 'Exploud', 'Normal', ''),
(296, 'Makuhita', 'Fighting', ''),
(297, 'Hariyama', 'Fighting', ''),
(298, 'Azurill', 'Normal', 'Fairy'),
(299, 'Nosepass', 'Rock', ''),
(300, 'Skitty', 'Normal', ''),
(301, 'Delcatty', 'Normal', ''),
(302, 'Sableye', 'Dark', 'Ghost'),
(303, 'Mawile', 'Steel', 'Fairy'),
(304, 'Aron', 'Steel', 'Rock'),
(305, 'Lairon', 'Steel', 'Rock'),
(306, 'Aggron', 'Steel', 'Rock'),
(307, 'Meditite', 'Fighting', 'Psychic'),
(308, 'Medicham', 'Fighting', 'Psychic'),
(309, 'Electrike', 'Electric', ''),
(310, 'Manectric', 'Electric', ''),
(311, 'Plusle', 'Electric', ''),
(312, 'Minun', 'Electric', ''),
(313, 'Volbeat', 'Bug', ''),
(314, 'Illumise', 'Bug', ''),
(315, 'Roselia', 'Grass', 'Poison'),
(316, 'Gulpin', 'Poison', ''),
(317, 'Swalot', 'Poison', ''),
(318, 'Carvanha', 'Water', 'Dark'),
(319, 'Sharpedo', 'Water', 'Dark'),
(320, 'Wailmer', 'Water', ''),
(321, 'Wailord', 'Water', ''),
(322, 'Numel', 'Fire', 'Ground'),
(323, 'Camerupt', 'Fire', 'Ground'),
(324, 'Torkoal', 'Fire', ''),
(325, 'Spoink', 'Psychic', ''),
(326, 'Grumpig', 'Psychic', ''),
(327, 'Spinda', 'Normal', ''),
(328, 'Trapinch', 'Ground', ''),
(329, 'Vibrava', 'Ground', 'Dragon'),
(330, 'Flygon', 'Ground', 'Dragon'),
(331, 'Cacnea', 'Grass', ''),
(332, 'Cacturne', 'Grass', 'Dark'),
(333, 'Swablu', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(334, 'Altaria', 'Dragon', 'Flying'),
(335, 'Zangoose', 'Normal', ''),
(336, 'Seviper', 'Poison', ''),
(337, 'Lunatone', 'Rock', 'Psychic'),
(338, 'Solrock', 'Rock', 'Psychic'),
(339, 'Barboach', 'Water', 'Ground'),
(340, 'Whiscash', 'Water', 'Ground'),
(341, 'Corphish', 'Water', ''),
(342, 'Crawdaunt', 'Water', 'Dark'),
(343, 'Baltoy', 'Ground', 'Psychic'),
(344, 'Claydol', 'Ground', 'Psychic'),
(345, 'Lileep', 'Rock', 'Grass'),
(346, 'Cradily', 'Rock', 'Grass'),
(347, 'Anorith', 'Rock', 'Bug'),
(348, 'Armaldo', 'Rock', 'Bug'),
(349, 'Feebas', 'Water', ''),
(350, 'Milotic', 'Water', ''),
(351, 'Castform', 'Normal', ''),
(352, 'Kecleon', 'Normal', ''),
(353, 'Shuppet', 'Ghost', ''),
(354, 'Banette', 'Ghost', ''),
(355, 'Duskull', 'Ghost', ''),
(356, 'Dusclops', 'Ghost', ''),
(357, 'Tropius', 'Grass', 'Flying'),
(358, 'Chimecho', 'Psychic', ''),
(359, 'Absol', 'Dark', ''),
(360, 'Wynaut', 'Psychic', ''),
(361, 'Snorunt', 'Ice', ''),
(362, 'Glalie', 'Ice', ''),
(363, 'Spheal', 'Ice', 'Water'),
(364, 'Sealeo', 'Ice', 'Water'),
(365, 'Walrein', 'Ice', 'Water'),
(366, 'Clamperl', 'Water', ''),
(367, 'Huntail', 'Water', ''),
(368, 'Gorebyss', 'Water', ''),
(369, 'Relicanth', 'Water', 'Rock'),
(370, 'Luvdisc', 'Water', ''),
(371, 'Bagon', 'Dragon', ''),
(372, 'Shelgon', 'Dragon', ''),
(373, 'Salamence', 'Dragon', 'Flying'),
(374, 'Beldum', 'Steel', 'Psychic'),
(375, 'Metang', 'Steel', 'Psychic'),
(376, 'Metagross', 'Steel', 'Psychic'),
(377, 'Regirock', 'Rock', ''),
(378, 'Regice', 'Ice', ''),
(379, 'Registeel', 'Steel', ''),
(380, 'Latias', 'Dragon', 'Psychic'),
(381, 'Latios', 'Dragon', 'Psychic'),
(382, 'Kyogre', 'Water', ''),
(383, 'Groudon', 'Ground', ''),
(384, 'Rayquaza', 'Dragon', 'Flying'),
(385, 'Jirachi', 'Steel', 'Psychic'),
(386, 'Deoxys', 'Psychic', ''),
(387, 'Turtwig', 'Grass', ''),
(388, 'Grotle', 'Grass', ''),
(389, 'Torterra', 'Grass', 'Ground'),
(390, 'Chimchar', 'Fire', ''),
(391, 'Monferno', 'Fire', 'Fighting'),
(392, 'Infernape', 'Fire', 'Fighting'),
(393, 'Piplup', 'Water', ''),
(394, 'Prinplup', 'Water', ''),
(395, 'Empoleon', 'Water', 'Steel'),
(396, 'Starly', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(397, 'Staravia', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(398, 'Staraptor', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(399, 'Bidoof', 'Normal', ''),
(400, 'Bibarel', 'Normal', 'Water'),
(401, 'Kricketot', 'Bug', ''),
(402, 'Kricketune', 'Bug', ''),
(403, 'Shinx', 'Electric', ''),
(404, 'Luxio', 'Electric', ''),
(405, 'Luxray', 'Electric', ''),
(406, 'Budew', 'Grass', 'Poison'),
(407, 'Roserade', 'Grass', 'Poison'),
(408, 'Cranidos', 'Rock', ''),
(409, 'Rampardos', 'Rock', ''),
(410, 'Shieldon', 'Rock', 'Steel'),
(411, 'Bastiodon', 'Rock', 'Steel'),
(412, 'Burmy', 'Bug', ''),
(413, 'Wormadam', 'Bug', 'Grass'),
(414, 'Mothim', 'Bug', 'Flying'),
(415, 'Combee', 'Bug', 'Flying'),
(416, 'Vespiquen', 'Bug', 'Flying'),
(417, 'Pachirisu', 'Electric', ''),
(418, 'Buizel', 'Water', ''),
(419, 'Floatzel', 'Water', ''),
(420, 'Cherubi', 'Grass', ''),
(421, 'Cherrim', 'Grass', ''),
(422, 'Shellos', 'Water', ''),
(423, 'Gastrodon', 'Water', 'Ground'),
(424, 'Ambipom', 'Normal', ''),
(425, 'Drifloon', 'Ghost', 'Flying'),
(426, 'Drifblim', 'Ghost', 'Flying'),
(427, 'Buneary', 'Normal', ''),
(428, 'Lopunny', 'Normal', ''),
(429, 'Mismagius', 'Ghost', ''),
(430, 'Honchkrow', 'Dark', 'Flying'),
(431, 'Glameow', 'Normal', ''),
(432, 'Purugly', 'Normal', ''),
(433, 'Chingling', 'Psychic', ''),
(434, 'Stunky', 'Poison', 'Dark'),
(435, 'Skuntank', 'Poison', 'Dark'),
(436, 'Bronzor', 'Steel', 'Psychic'),
(437, 'Bronzong', 'Steel', 'Psychic'),
(438, 'Bonsly', 'Rock', ''),
(439, 'Mime Jr.', 'Psychic', 'Fairy'),
(440, 'Happiny', 'Normal', ''),
(441, 'Chatot', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(442, 'Spiritomb', 'Ghost', 'Dark'),
(443, 'Gible', 'Dragon', 'Ground'),
(444, 'Gabite', 'Dragon', 'Ground'),
(445, 'Garchomp', 'Dragon', 'Ground'),
(446, 'Munchlax', 'Normal', ''),
(447, 'Riolu', 'Fighting', ''),
(448, 'Lucario', 'Fighting', 'Steel'),
(449, 'Hippopotas', 'Ground', ''),
(450, 'Hippowdon', 'Ground', ''),
(451, 'Skorupi', 'Poison', 'Bug'),
(452, 'Drapion', 'Poison', 'Dark'),
(453, 'Croagunk', 'Poison', 'Fighting'),
(454, 'Toxicroak', 'Poison', 'Fighting'),
(455, 'Carnivine', 'Grass', ''),
(456, 'Finneon', 'Water', ''),
(457, 'Lumineon', 'Water', ''),
(458, 'Mantyke', 'Water', 'Flying'),
(459, 'Snover', 'Grass', 'Ice'),
(460, 'Abomasnow', 'Grass', 'Ice'),
(461, 'Weavile', 'Dark', 'Ice'),
(462, 'Magnezone', 'Electric', 'Steel'),
(463, 'Lickilicky', 'Normal', ''),
(464, 'Rhyperior', 'Ground', 'Rock'),
(465, 'Tangrowth', 'Grass', ''),
(466, 'Electivire', 'Electric', ''),
(467, 'Magmortar', 'Fire', ''),
(468, 'Togekiss', 'Fairy', 'Flying'),
(469, 'Yanmega', 'Bug', 'Flying'),
(470, 'Leafeon', 'Grass', ''),
(471, 'Glaceon', 'Ice', ''),
(472, 'Gliscor', 'Ground', 'Flying'),
(473, 'Mamoswine', 'Ice', 'Ground'),
(474, 'Porygon-Z', 'Normal', ''),
(475, 'Gallade', 'Psychic', 'Fighting'),
(476, 'Probopass', 'Rock', 'Steel'),
(477, 'Dusknoir', 'Ghost', ''),
(478, 'Froslass', 'Ice', 'Ghost'),
(479, 'Rotom', 'Electric', 'Ghost'),
(480, 'Uxie', 'Psychic', ''),
(481, 'Mesprit', 'Psychic', ''),
(482, 'Azelf', 'Psychic', ''),
(483, 'Dialga', 'Steel', 'Dragon'),
(484, 'Palkia', 'Water', 'Dragon'),
(485, 'Heatran', 'Fire', 'Steel'),
(486, 'Regigigas', 'Normal', ''),
(487, 'Giratina', 'Ghost', 'Dragon'),
(488, 'Cresselia', 'Psychic', ''),
(489, 'Phione', 'Water', ''),
(490, 'Manaphy', 'Water', ''),
(491, 'Darkrai', 'Dark', ''),
(492, 'Shaymin', 'Grass', ''),
(493, 'Arceus', 'Normal', ''),
(494, 'Victini', 'Psychic', 'Fire'),
(495, 'Snivy', 'Grass', ''),
(496, 'Servine', 'Grass', ''),
(497, 'Serperior', 'Grass', ''),
(498, 'Tepig', 'Fire', ''),
(499, 'Pignite', 'Fire', 'Fighting'),
(500, 'Emboar', 'Fire', 'Fighting'),
(501, 'Oshawott', 'Water', ''),
(502, 'Dewott', 'Water', ''),
(503, 'Samurott', 'Water', ''),
(504, 'Patrat', 'Normal', ''),
(505, 'Watchog', 'Normal', ''),
(506, 'Lillipup', 'Normal', ''),
(507, 'Herdier', 'Normal', ''),
(508, 'Stoutland', 'Normal', ''),
(509, 'Purrloin', 'Dark', ''),
(510, 'Liepard', 'Dark', ''),
(511, 'Pansage', 'Grass', ''),
(512, 'Simisage', 'Grass', ''),
(513, 'Pansear', 'Fire', ''),
(514, 'Simisear', 'Fire', ''),
(515, 'Panpour', 'Water', ''),
(516, 'Simipour', 'Water', ''),
(517, 'Munna', 'Psychic', ''),
(518, 'Musharna', 'Psychic', ''),
(519, 'Pidove', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(520, 'Tranquill', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(521, 'Unfezant', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(522, 'Blitzle', 'Electric', ''),
(523, 'Zebstrika', 'Electric', ''),
(524, 'Roggenrola', 'Rock', ''),
(525, 'Boldore', 'Rock', ''),
(526, 'Gigalith', 'Rock', ''),
(527, 'Woobat', 'Psychic', 'Flying'),
(528, 'Swoobat', 'Psychic', 'Flying'),
(529, 'Drilbur', 'Ground', ''),
(530, 'Excadrill', 'Ground', 'Steel'),
(531, 'Audino', 'Normal', ''),
(532, 'Timburr', 'Fighting', ''),
(533, 'Gurdurr', 'Fighting', ''),
(534, 'Conkeldurr', 'Fighting', ''),
(535, 'Tympole', 'Water', ''),
(536, 'Palpitoad', 'Water', 'Ground'),
(537, 'Seismitoad', 'Water', 'Ground'),
(538, 'Throh', 'Fighting', ''),
(539, 'Sawk', 'Fighting', ''),
(540, 'Sewaddle', 'Bug', 'Grass'),
(541, 'Swadloon', 'Bug', 'Grass'),
(542, 'Leavanny', 'Bug', 'Grass'),
(543, 'Venipede', 'Bug', 'Poison'),
(544, 'Whirlipede', 'Bug', 'Poison'),
(545, 'Scolipede', 'Bug', 'Poison'),
(546, 'Cottonee', 'Grass', 'Fairy'),
(547, 'Whimsicott', 'Grass', 'Fairy'),
(548, 'Petilil', 'Grass', ''),
(549, 'Lilligant', 'Grass', ''),
(550, 'Basculin', 'Water', ''),
(551, 'Sandile', 'Ground', 'Dark'),
(552, 'Krokorok', 'Ground', 'Dark'),
(553, 'Krookodile', 'Ground', 'Dark'),
(554, 'Darumaka', 'Fire', ''),
(555, 'Darmanitan', 'Fire', ''),
(556, 'Maractus', 'Grass', ''),
(557, 'Dwebble', 'Bug', 'Rock'),
(558, 'Crustle', 'Bug', 'Rock'),
(559, 'Scraggy', 'Dark', 'Fighting'),
(560, 'Scrafty', 'Dark', 'Fighting'),
(561, 'Sigilyph', 'Psychic', 'Flying'),
(562, 'Yamask', 'Ghost', ''),
(563, 'Cofagrigus', 'Ghost', ''),
(564, 'Tirtouga', 'Water', 'Rock'),
(565, 'Carracosta', 'Water', 'Rock'),
(566, 'Archen', 'Rock', 'Flying'),
(567, 'Archeops', 'Rock', 'Flying'),
(568, 'Trubbish', 'Poison', ''),
(569, 'Garbodor', 'Poison', ''),
(570, 'Zorua', 'Dark', ''),
(571, 'Zoroark', 'Dark', ''),
(572, 'Minccino', 'Normal', ''),
(573, 'Cinccino', 'Normal', ''),
(574, 'Gothita', 'Psychic', ''),
(575, 'Gothorita', 'Psychic', ''),
(576, 'Gothitelle', 'Psychic', ''),
(577, 'Solosis', 'Psychic', ''),
(578, 'Duosion', 'Psychic', ''),
(579, 'Reuniclus', 'Psychic', ''),
(580, 'Ducklett', 'Water', 'Flying'),
(581, 'Swanna', 'Water', 'Flying'),
(582, 'Vanillite', 'Ice', ''),
(583, 'Vanillish', 'Ice', ''),
(584, 'Vanilluxe', 'Ice', ''),
(585, 'Deerling', 'Normal', 'Grass'),
(586, 'Sawsbuck', 'Normal', 'Grass'),
(587, 'Emolga', 'Electric', 'Flying'),
(588, 'Karrablast', 'Bug', ''),
(589, 'Escavalier', 'Bug', 'Steel'),
(590, 'Foongus', 'Grass', 'Poison'),
(591, 'Amoonguss', 'Grass', 'Poison'),
(592, 'Frillish', 'Water', 'Ghost'),
(593, 'Jellicent', 'Water', 'Ghost'),
(594, 'Alomomola', 'Water', ''),
(595, 'Joltik', 'Bug', 'Electric'),
(596, 'Galvantula', 'Bug', 'Electric'),
(597, 'Ferroseed', 'Grass', 'Steel'),
(598, 'Ferrothorn', 'Grass', 'Steel'),
(599, 'Klink', 'Steel', ''),
(600, 'Klang', 'Steel', ''),
(601, 'Klinklang', 'Steel', ''),
(602, 'Tynamo', 'Electric', ''),
(603, 'Eelektrik', 'Electric', ''),
(604, 'Eelektross', 'Electric', ''),
(605, 'Elgyem', 'Psychic', ''),
(606, 'Beheeyem', 'Psychic', ''),
(607, 'Litwick', 'Ghost', 'Fire'),
(608, 'Lampent', 'Ghost', 'Fire'),
(609, 'Chandelure', 'Ghost', 'Fire'),
(610, 'Axew', 'Dragon', ''),
(611, 'Fraxure', 'Dragon', ''),
(612, 'Haxorus', 'Dragon', ''),
(613, 'Cubchoo', 'Ice', ''),
(614, 'Beartic', 'Ice', ''),
(615, 'Cryogonal', 'Ice', ''),
(616, 'Shelmet', 'Bug', ''),
(617, 'Accelgor', 'Bug', ''),
(618, 'Stunfisk', 'Ground', 'Electric'),
(619, 'Mienfoo', 'Fighting', ''),
(620, 'Mienshao', 'Fighting', ''),
(621, 'Druddigon', 'Dragon', ''),
(622, 'Golett', 'Ground', 'Ghost'),
(623, 'Golurk', 'Ground', 'Ghost'),
(624, 'Pawniard', 'Dark', 'Steel'),
(625, 'Bisharp', 'Dark', 'Steel'),
(626, 'Bouffalant', 'Normal', ''),
(627, 'Rufflet', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(628, 'Braviary', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(629, 'Vullaby', 'Dark', 'Flying'),
(630, 'Mandibuzz', 'Dark', 'Flying'),
(631, 'Heatmor', 'Fire', ''),
(632, 'Durant', 'Bug', 'Steel'),
(633, 'Deino', 'Dark', 'Dragon'),
(634, 'Zweilous', 'Dark', 'Dragon'),
(635, 'Hydreigon', 'Dark', 'Dragon'),
(636, 'Larvesta', 'Bug', 'Fire'),
(637, 'Volcarona', 'Bug', 'Fire'),
(638, 'Cobalion', 'Steel', 'Fighting'),
(639, 'Terrakion', 'Rock', 'Fighting'),
(640, 'Virizion', 'Grass', 'Fighting'),
(641, 'Tornadus', 'Flying', ''),
(642, 'Thundurus', 'Electric', 'Flying'),
(643, 'Reshiram', 'Dragon', 'Fire'),
(644, 'Zekrom', 'Dragon', 'Electric'),
(645, 'Landorus', 'Ground', 'Flying'),
(646, 'Kyurem', 'Dragon', 'Ice'),
(647, 'Keldeo', 'Water', 'Fighting'),
(648, 'Meloetta', 'Normal', 'Psychic'),
(649, 'Genesect', 'Bug', 'Steel'),
(650, 'Chespin', 'Grass', ''),
(651, 'Quilladin', 'Grass', ''),
(652, 'Chesnaught', 'Grass', 'Fighting'),
(653, 'Fennekin', 'Fire', ''),
(654, 'Braixen', 'Fire', ''),
(655, 'Delphox', 'Fire', 'Psychic'),
(656, 'Froakie', 'Water', ''),
(657, 'Frogadier', 'Water', ''),
(658, 'Greninja', 'Water', 'Dark'),
(659, 'Bunnelby', 'Normal', ''),
(660, 'Diggersby', 'Normal', 'Ground'),
(661, 'Fletchling', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(662, 'Fletchinder', 'Fire', 'Flying'),
(663, 'Talonflame', 'Fire', 'Flying'),
(664, 'Scatterbug', 'Bug', ''),
(665, 'Spewpa', 'Bug', ''),
(666, 'Vivillon', 'Bug', 'Flying'),
(667, 'Litleo', 'Fire', 'Normal'),
(668, 'Pyroar', 'Fire', 'Normal'),
(669, 'Flabebe', 'Fairy', ''),
(670, 'Floette', 'Fairy', ''),
(671, 'Florges', 'Fairy', ''),
(672, 'Skiddo', 'Grass', ''),
(673, 'Gogoat', 'Grass', ''),
(674, 'Pancham', 'Fighting', ''),
(675, 'Pangoro', 'Fighting', 'Dark'),
(676, 'Furfrou', 'Normal', ''),
(677, 'Espurr', 'Psychic', ''),
(678, 'Meowstic', 'Psychic', ''),
(679, 'Honedge', 'Steel', 'Ghost'),
(680, 'Doublade', 'Steel', 'Ghost'),
(681, 'Aegislash', 'Steel', 'Ghost'),
(682, 'Spritzee', 'Fairy', ''),
(683, 'Aromatisse', 'Fairy', ''),
(684, 'Swirlix', 'Fairy', ''),
(685, 'Slurpuff', 'Fairy', ''),
(686, 'Inkay', 'Dark', 'Psychic'),
(687, 'Malamar', 'Dark', 'Psychic'),
(688, 'Binacle', 'Rock', 'Water'),
(689, 'Barbaracle', 'Rock', 'Water'),
(690, 'Skrelp', 'Poison', 'Water'),
(691, 'Dragalge', 'Poison', 'Dragon'),
(692, 'Clauncher', 'Water', ''),
(693, 'Clawitzer', 'Water', ''),
(694, 'Helioptile', 'Electric', 'Normal'),
(695, 'Heliolisk', 'Electric', 'Normal'),
(696, 'Tyrunt', 'Rock', 'Dragon'),
(697, 'Tyrantrum', 'Rock', 'Dragon'),
(698, 'Amaura', 'Rock', 'Ice'),
(699, 'Aurorus', 'Rock', 'Ice'),
(700, 'Sylveon', 'Fairy', ''),
(701, 'Hawlucha', 'Fighting', 'Flying'),
(702, 'Dedenne', 'Electric', 'Fairy'),
(703, 'Carbink', 'Rock', 'Fairy'),
(704, 'Goomy', 'Dragon', ''),
(705, 'Sliggoo', 'Dragon', ''),
(706, 'Goodra', 'Dragon', ''),
(707, 'Klefki', 'Steel', 'Fairy'),
(708, 'Phantump', 'Ghost', 'Grass'),
(709, 'Trevenant', 'Ghost', 'Grass'),
(710, 'Pumpkaboo', 'Ghost', 'Grass'),
(711, 'Gourgeist', 'Ghost', 'Grass'),
(712, 'Bergmite', 'Ice', ''),
(713, 'Avalugg', 'Ice', ''),
(714, 'Noibat', 'Flying', 'Dragon'),
(715, 'Noivern', 'Flying', 'Dragon'),
(716, 'Xerneas', 'Fairy', ''),
(717, 'Yveltal', 'Dark', 'Flying'),
(718, 'Zygarde', 'Dragon', 'Ground'),
(719, 'Diancie', 'Rock', 'Fairy'),
(720, 'Hoopa', 'Psychic', 'Ghost'),
(721, 'Volcanion', 'Fire', 'Water'),
(722, 'Rowlet', 'Grass', 'Flying'),
(723, 'Dartrix', 'Grass', 'Flying'),
(724, 'Decidueye', 'Grass', 'Ghost'),
(725, 'Litten', 'Fire', ''),
(726, 'Torracat', 'Fire', ''),
(727, 'Incineroar', 'Fire', 'Dark'),
(728, 'Popplio', 'Water', ''),
(729, 'Brionne', 'Water', ''),
(730, 'Primarina', 'Water', 'Fairy'),
(731, 'Pikipek', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(732, 'Trumbeak', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(733, 'Toucannon', 'Normal', 'Flying'),
(734, 'Yungoos', 'Normal', ''),
(735, 'Gumshoos', 'Normal', ''),
(736, 'Grubbin', 'Bug', ''),
(737, 'Charjabug', 'Bug', 'Electric'),
(738, 'Vikavolt', 'Bug', 'Electric'),
(739, 'Crabrawler', 'Fighting', ''),
(740, 'Crabominable', 'Fighting', 'Ice'),
(741, 'Oricorio Baile', 'Fire', 'Flying'),
(742, 'Cutiefly', 'Bug', 'Fairy'),
(743, 'Ribombee', 'Bug', 'Fairy'),
(744, 'Rockruff', 'Rock', ''),
(745, 'Lycanroc Midday', 'Rock', ''),
(746, 'Wishiwashi', 'Water', ''),
(747, 'Mareanie', 'Poison', 'Water'),
(748, 'Toxapex', 'Poison', 'Water'),
(749, 'Mudbray', 'Ground', ''),
(750, 'Mudsdale', 'Ground', ''),
(751, 'Dewpider', 'Water', 'Bug'),
(752, 'Araquanid', 'Water', 'Bug'),
(753, 'Fomantis', 'Grass', ''),
(754, 'Lurantis', 'Grass', ''),
(755, 'Morelull', 'Grass', 'Fairy'),
(756, 'Shiinotic', 'Grass', 'Fairy'),
(757, 'Salandit', 'Poison', 'Fire'),
(758, 'Salazzle', 'Poison', 'Fire'),
(759, 'Stufful', 'Normal', 'Fighting'),
(760, 'Bewear', 'Normal', 'Fighting'),
(761, 'Bounsweet', 'Grass', ''),
(762, 'Steenee', 'Grass', ''),
(763, 'Tsareena', 'Grass', ''),
(764, 'Comfey', 'Fairy', ''),
(765, 'Oranguru', 'Normal', 'Psychic'),
(766, 'Passimian', 'Fighting', ''),
(767, 'Wimpod', 'Bug', 'Water'),
(768, 'Golisopod', 'Bug', 'Water'),
(769, 'Sandygast', 'Ghost', 'Ground'),
(770, 'Palossand', 'Ghost', 'Ground'),
(771, 'Pyukumuku', 'Water', ''),
(772, 'Type: Null', 'Normal', ''),
(773, 'Silvally', 'Normal', ''),
(774, 'Minior Meteor', 'Rock', 'Flying'),
(775, 'Komala', 'Normal', ''),
(776, 'Turtonator', 'Fire', 'Dragon'),
(777, 'Togedemaru', 'Electric', 'Steel'),
(778, 'Mimikyu', 'Ghost', 'Fairy'),
(779, 'Bruxish', 'Water', 'Psychic'),
(780, 'Drampa', 'Normal', 'Dragon'),
(781, 'Dhelmise', 'Ghost', 'Grass'),
(782, 'Jangmo-o', 'Dragon', ''),
(783, 'Hakamo-o', 'Dragon', 'Fighting'),
(784, 'Kommo-o', 'Dragon', 'Fighting'),
(785, 'Tapu Koko', 'Electric', 'Fairy'),
(786, 'Tapu Lele', 'Psychic', 'Fairy'),
(787, 'Tapu Bulu', 'Grass', 'Fairy'),
(788, 'Tapu Fini', 'Water', 'Fairy'),
(789, 'Cosmog', 'Psychic', ''),
(790, 'Cosmoem', 'Psychic', ''),
(791, 'Solgaleo', 'Psychic', 'Steel'),
(792, 'Lunala', 'Psychic', 'Ghost'),
(793, 'Nihilego', 'Rock', 'Poison'),
(794, 'Buzzwole', 'Bug', 'Fighting'),
(795, 'Pheromosa', 'Bug', 'Fighting'),
(796, 'Xurkitree', 'Electric', ''),
(797, 'Celesteela', 'Steel', 'Flying'),
(798, 'Kartana', 'Grass', 'Steel'),
(799, 'Guzzlord', 'Dark', 'Dragon'),
(800, 'Necrozma', 'Psychic', ''),
(801, 'Magearna', 'Steel', 'Fairy'),
(802, 'Marshadow', 'Fighting', 'Ghost'),
(803, 'Poipole', 'Poison', ''),
(804, 'Naganadel', 'Poison', 'Dragon'),
(805, 'Stakataka', 'Rock', 'Steel'),
(806, 'Blacephalon', 'Fire', 'Ghost'),
(807, 'Zeraora', 'Electric', '');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `server_config`

CREATE TABLE `server_config` (
  `config` varchar(35) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `value` int(11) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- Despejando dados para a tabela `server_config`

INSERT INTO `server_config` (`config`, `value`) VALUES
('db_version', 23),
('encryption', 2);

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `server_motd`

CREATE TABLE `server_motd` (
  `id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `world_id` tinyint(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `text` text NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- Despejando dados para a tabela `server_motd`

INSERT INTO `server_motd` (`id`, `world_id`, `text`) VALUES
(273, 0, 'Welcome to Alaska!'),
(274, 0, 'Welcome to EterniumGames!');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `server_record`

CREATE TABLE `server_record` (
  `record` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `world_id` tinyint(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `timestamp` bigint(20) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `server_reports`

CREATE TABLE `server_reports` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `world_id` tinyint(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `player_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
  `posx` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `posy` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `posz` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `timestamp` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `report` text NOT NULL,
  `reads` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `shop_history`

CREATE TABLE `shop_history` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `product` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `session` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  `player` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  `date` int(10) NOT NULL,
  `quanty` int(10) NOT NULL,
  `processed` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- Despejando dados para a tabela `shop_history`

INSERT INTO `shop_history` (`id`, `product`, `session`, `player`, `date`, `quanty`, `processed`) VALUES
(4, 1, 'kyogron', '[DEV] The Death', 1649536104, 1, 1),
(5, 1, 'smile159', 'Smile', 1650779735, 1, 1),
(6, 1, 'smile159', 'Smile', 1650779745, 1, 1);

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `shop_offer`

CREATE TABLE `shop_offer` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `points` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `category` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
  `type` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
  `item` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `count` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `description` text NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  `img` varchar(100) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- Despejando dados para a tabela `shop_offer`

INSERT INTO `shop_offer` (`id`, `points`, `category`, `type`, `item`, `count`, `description`, `name`, `img`) VALUES
(1, 1, 4, 8, 2145, 1, 'Diamante para comprar itens dentro do jogo', 'Diamond', '');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `threads`

CREATE TABLE `threads` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(120) DEFAULT NULL,
  `sticked` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `closed` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `author` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
  `time` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `board_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `tickets`

CREATE TABLE `tickets` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `type` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `creator` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `status` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `closed` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `created` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `valor` int(11) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `ticketsmessage`

CREATE TABLE `ticketsmessage` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `ticket_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `account` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `msg` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `anexo` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `date` int(11) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `tiles`

CREATE TABLE `tiles` (
  `id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `world_id` tinyint(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `house_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `x` int(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `y` int(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `z` tinyint(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `tile_items`

CREATE TABLE `tile_items` (
  `tile_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `world_id` tinyint(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `sid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `pid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `itemtype` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `count` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `attributes` blob NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `tourip`

CREATE TABLE `tourip` (
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `ip` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `intip` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `time` int(11) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `tourjoin`

CREATE TABLE `tourjoin` (
  `player_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `tournament`

CREATE TABLE `tournament` (
  `wins` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `player_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estrutura para tabela `xpback`

CREATE TABLE `xpback` (
  `exp` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `player_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;

-- Ãndices para tabelas despejadas

-- Ãndices de tabela `bans`

-- Ãndices de tabela `global_storage`
ALTER TABLE `global_storage`
  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`key`,`world_id`);

-- Ãndices de tabela `market_items`
ALTER TABLE `market_items`
  ADD KEY `playerseller_id` (`playerseller_id`);

-- Ãndices de tabela `oncreate_guilds`
ALTER TABLE `oncreate_guilds`

-- Ãndices de tabela `players`
ALTER TABLE `players`
  ADD UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`,`deleted`),
  ADD KEY `account_id` (`account_id`),
  ADD KEY `group_id` (`group_id`),
  ADD KEY `online` (`online`),
  ADD KEY `deleted` (`deleted`);

-- AUTO_INCREMENT para tabelas despejadas

-- AUTO_INCREMENT de tabela `bans`

-- AUTO_INCREMENT de tabela `market_items`
ALTER TABLE `market_items`

-- AUTO_INCREMENT de tabela `oncreate_guilds`
ALTER TABLE `oncreate_guilds`

-- AUTO_INCREMENT de tabela `players`
ALTER TABLE `players`

-- Restrições para tabelas despejadas

-- Restrições para tabelas `market_items`
ALTER TABLE `market_items`
  ADD CONSTRAINT `market_items_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`playerseller_id`) REFERENCES `players` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE;





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