Drenks 1 Postado 23 de Abril 2024 Compartilhar Postado 23 de Abril 2024 (editado) Ola comunidade, alguem me pode ajudar a resolver o siguiente bug, quando o player esta em batalha e fazer back do pokemon ele server crashea e o pokemon do npc nao ataca o player. (Descupe se nao entendeu, pois nao falo bem portugues.) Spoiler local target = 0 local prevTarget = 0 local origPos = 0 local max_distance = 12 local fighting = false local challenger = 0 local battle_turn = 1 -- don't change local challenger_turn = 0 -- don't change --- --/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-- local function doPSetGym(target) if #getCreatureSummons(target) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(target, 990, -1) doSetGym(getCreatureSummons(target)[1], 0) else setPlayerStorageValue(target, 990, -1) end end local function doSummonGymPokemon(npc) local this = npc if not isCreature(this) or not ehNPC(this) then return true end --alterado v1.6 if #getCreatureSummons(this) >= 1 or target == 0 then return true end local it = wildPolice[getPlayerStorageValue(this, 665461)][battle_turn] if not it then return true end doSummonMonster(this, it.name) local summon = getCreatureSummons(this)[1] local summons = getCreatureSummons(target)[1] if not summon then --alterado v1.6 print("Error in npc: "..getCreatureName(this)..", tring to execute function 'doSummonGymPokemon', poke: "..it.name) battle_turn = battle_turn+1 return true end local balleffect = pokeballs["normal"].effect if it.ball and pokeballs[it.ball] then balleffect = pokeballs[it.ball].effect end doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(summon), balleffect) setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 10000, balleffect) setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 10001, gobackmsgs[math.random(#gobackmsgs)].back:gsub("doka", it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or it.name)) setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 1007, it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or it.name) doSetGym(summon, 1) if #getCreatureSummons(target) >= 1 then doSetMonsterGym(summon, summons) end addEvent(adjustWildPoke, 15, summon, it.optionalLevel) if it.nick ~= "" then doCreatureSetNick(summon, it.nick) end local name = it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or getCreatureName(this).."s "..it.name --alterado v1.3 doCreatureSay(this, gobackmsgs[math.random(#gobackmsgs)].go:gsub("doka", getPlayerStorageValue(summon, 1007)), 1) fighting = true battle_turn = battle_turn + 1 end --/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-- local function goToOrigPos() target = 0 selfFollow(0) fighting = false challenger = 0 challenger_turn = 0 if #getCreatureSummons(getNpcCid()) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(getNpcCid())[1], 1006, 0) doCreatureAddHealth(getCreatureSummons(getNpcCid())[1], -getCreatureMaxHealth(getCreatureSummons(getNpcCid())[1])) end doChangeSpeed(getNpcCid(), -getCreatureSpeed(getNpcCid())) doTeleportThing(getNpcCid(), origPos) end --/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-- local function updateTarget() if(target == 0) then local list = getSpectators(getNpcPos(), 9, 9, false) for i = 1, table.getn(list) do local _target = list[i] if(_target ~= 0) then if isPlayer(_target) and isRocket(_target) and not getTileInfo(getThingPos(_target)).protection then --alterado v1.8 selfSay(policeTalks[math.random(#policeTalks)]) doNpcSetCreatureFocus(_target) target = _target prevTarget = target break end end end end end --/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-- function onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureMove(creature, oldPos, newPos) -- end --/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-- function onThink() if not isCreature(getNpcCid()) then return false end --alterado v1.6 if origPos == 0 then origPos = getNpcPos() end if getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 665461) <= 0 then setPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 665461, math.random(1, 5)) randOutfit(getNpcCid()) end updateTarget() ------------------------------------------------------ if getDistanceBetween(getNpcPos(), origPos) >= max_distance or (isCreature(target) and getTileInfo(getThingPos(target)).protection) or getTileInfo(getThingPos(getNpcCid())).protection then goToOrigPos() --alterado v1.9 end ------------------------------------------------------ if(target == 0) then if getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788) <= 0 then setPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788, 1) doChangeSpeed(getNpcCid(), -getCreatureSpeed(getNpcCid())) addEvent(randWalk, 2000, getNpcCid(), 1000, getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788), target) end return true end ------------------------------------------------------ local playerPos = getThingPosWithDebug(target) --alterado v1.6 local myPos = getNpcPos() ------------------------------------------------------ if(myPos.z ~= playerPos.z) then goToOrigPos() battle_turn = battle_turn == 1 and battle_turn or battle_turn-1 return true end ------------------------------------------------------ if getDistanceBetween(playerPos, myPos) > max_distance then goToOrigPos() battle_turn = battle_turn == 1 and battle_turn or battle_turn-1 return true end ------------------------------------------------------ if getDistanceBetween(playerPos, myPos) >= 5 then if getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788, -1) doRegainSpeed(getNpcCid()) if isCreature(target) then selfFollow(target) end end end ------------------------------------------------------ if getDistanceBetween(playerPos, myPos) <= 3 then if getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788) <= 0 then setPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788, 1) doChangeSpeed(getNpcCid(), -getCreatureSpeed(getNpcCid())) addEvent(randWalk, 2000, getNpcCid(), 1000, getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788), target) end end ------------------------------------------------------ if getDistanceBetween(playerPos, myPos) <= 5 then challenger = target setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 990, 1) addEvent(doSummonGymPokemon, 850, getNpcCid()) local change = false if not isCreature(target) then target = 0 battle_turn = battle_turn == 1 and battle_turn or battle_turn-1 return true end if fighting then if not isCreature(getCreatureTarget(getNpcCid())) then if #getCreatureSummons(challenger) >= 1 then if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(challenger)[1], 990) == -1 then doSetMonsterGym(getCreatureSummons(getThis())[1], getCreatureSummons(challenger)[1]) setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(challenger)[1], 990, 1) doSetAttackGym(getCreatureSummons(getThis())[1], getCreatureSummons(challenger)[1]) change = true else if change then change = false challenger_turn = challenger_turn + 1 end end end if #getCreatureSummons(getNpcCid()) == 0 and isCreature(target) then if battle_turn > #wildRocket[getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 665461)] then addEvent(doCreateNpc, 300000, ".aPolice", myPos) --alterado v1.5 local outfit = getCreatureOutfit(getNpcCid()) doRemoveCreature(getNpcCid()) ---------------------------------------- if outfit.lookType == 1184 then --verifica se o npc eh female.. ;p monster = doCreateMonster("aPoliceFemale", myPos) else monster = doCreateMonster("aPolice", myPos) end ---------------------------------------- doCloneOut(monster, outfit) addEvent(beDrunk, 100, monster) end addEvent(doSummonGymPokemon, 1000, getNpcCid()) end if #getCreatureSummons(challenger) <= 0 then doSetAttackGym(getCreatureSummons(challenger)[0]) --- (O ERROR PODE ESTAR AQUI)--- end end end Editado 23 de Abril 2024 por Drenks error em console Link para o comentário https://tibiadevs.com/forums/topic/392-arrumar-wildtrainer/ Compartilhar em outros sites Mais opções de compartilhamento...
Moderador Wang 1.751 Postado 16 de Junho 2024 Moderador Compartilhar Postado 16 de Junho 2024 Em 22/04/2024 em 23:54, Drenks disse: Ola comunidade, alguem me pode ajudar a resolver o siguiente bug, quando o player esta em batalha e fazer back do pokemon ele server crashea e o pokemon do npc nao ataca o player. (Descupe se nao entendeu, pois nao falo bem portugues.) Mostrar conteúdo oculto local target = 0 local prevTarget = 0 local origPos = 0 local max_distance = 12 local fighting = false local challenger = 0 local battle_turn = 1 -- don't change local challenger_turn = 0 -- don't change --- --/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-- local function doPSetGym(target) if #getCreatureSummons(target) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(target, 990, -1) doSetGym(getCreatureSummons(target)[1], 0) else setPlayerStorageValue(target, 990, -1) end end local function doSummonGymPokemon(npc) local this = npc if not isCreature(this) or not ehNPC(this) then return true end --alterado v1.6 if #getCreatureSummons(this) >= 1 or target == 0 then return true end local it = wildPolice[getPlayerStorageValue(this, 665461)][battle_turn] if not it then return true end doSummonMonster(this, it.name) local summon = getCreatureSummons(this)[1] local summons = getCreatureSummons(target)[1] if not summon then --alterado v1.6 print("Error in npc: "..getCreatureName(this)..", tring to execute function 'doSummonGymPokemon', poke: "..it.name) battle_turn = battle_turn+1 return true end local balleffect = pokeballs["normal"].effect if it.ball and pokeballs[it.ball] then balleffect = pokeballs[it.ball].effect end doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(summon), balleffect) setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 10000, balleffect) setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 10001, gobackmsgs[math.random(#gobackmsgs)].back:gsub("doka", it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or it.name)) setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 1007, it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or it.name) doSetGym(summon, 1) if #getCreatureSummons(target) >= 1 then doSetMonsterGym(summon, summons) end addEvent(adjustWildPoke, 15, summon, it.optionalLevel) if it.nick ~= "" then doCreatureSetNick(summon, it.nick) end local name = it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or getCreatureName(this).."s "..it.name --alterado v1.3 doCreatureSay(this, gobackmsgs[math.random(#gobackmsgs)].go:gsub("doka", getPlayerStorageValue(summon, 1007)), 1) fighting = true battle_turn = battle_turn + 1 end --/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-- local function goToOrigPos() target = 0 selfFollow(0) fighting = false challenger = 0 challenger_turn = 0 if #getCreatureSummons(getNpcCid()) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(getNpcCid())[1], 1006, 0) doCreatureAddHealth(getCreatureSummons(getNpcCid())[1], -getCreatureMaxHealth(getCreatureSummons(getNpcCid())[1])) end doChangeSpeed(getNpcCid(), -getCreatureSpeed(getNpcCid())) doTeleportThing(getNpcCid(), origPos) end --/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-- local function updateTarget() if(target == 0) then local list = getSpectators(getNpcPos(), 9, 9, false) for i = 1, table.getn(list) do local _target = list[i] if(_target ~= 0) then if isPlayer(_target) and isRocket(_target) and not getTileInfo(getThingPos(_target)).protection then --alterado v1.8 selfSay(policeTalks[math.random(#policeTalks)]) doNpcSetCreatureFocus(_target) target = _target prevTarget = target break end end end end end --/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-- function onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureMove(creature, oldPos, newPos) -- end --/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-- function onThink() if not isCreature(getNpcCid()) then return false end --alterado v1.6 if origPos == 0 then origPos = getNpcPos() end if getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 665461) <= 0 then setPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 665461, math.random(1, 5)) randOutfit(getNpcCid()) end updateTarget() ------------------------------------------------------ if getDistanceBetween(getNpcPos(), origPos) >= max_distance or (isCreature(target) and getTileInfo(getThingPos(target)).protection) or getTileInfo(getThingPos(getNpcCid())).protection then goToOrigPos() --alterado v1.9 end ------------------------------------------------------ if(target == 0) then if getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788) <= 0 then setPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788, 1) doChangeSpeed(getNpcCid(), -getCreatureSpeed(getNpcCid())) addEvent(randWalk, 2000, getNpcCid(), 1000, getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788), target) end return true end ------------------------------------------------------ local playerPos = getThingPosWithDebug(target) --alterado v1.6 local myPos = getNpcPos() ------------------------------------------------------ if(myPos.z ~= playerPos.z) then goToOrigPos() battle_turn = battle_turn == 1 and battle_turn or battle_turn-1 return true end ------------------------------------------------------ if getDistanceBetween(playerPos, myPos) > max_distance then goToOrigPos() battle_turn = battle_turn == 1 and battle_turn or battle_turn-1 return true end ------------------------------------------------------ if getDistanceBetween(playerPos, myPos) >= 5 then if getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788, -1) doRegainSpeed(getNpcCid()) if isCreature(target) then selfFollow(target) end end end ------------------------------------------------------ if getDistanceBetween(playerPos, myPos) <= 3 then if getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788) <= 0 then setPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788, 1) doChangeSpeed(getNpcCid(), -getCreatureSpeed(getNpcCid())) addEvent(randWalk, 2000, getNpcCid(), 1000, getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788), target) end end ------------------------------------------------------ if getDistanceBetween(playerPos, myPos) <= 5 then challenger = target setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 990, 1) addEvent(doSummonGymPokemon, 850, getNpcCid()) local change = false if not isCreature(target) then target = 0 battle_turn = battle_turn == 1 and battle_turn or battle_turn-1 return true end if fighting then if not isCreature(getCreatureTarget(getNpcCid())) then if #getCreatureSummons(challenger) >= 1 then if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(challenger)[1], 990) == -1 then doSetMonsterGym(getCreatureSummons(getThis())[1], getCreatureSummons(challenger)[1]) setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(challenger)[1], 990, 1) doSetAttackGym(getCreatureSummons(getThis())[1], getCreatureSummons(challenger)[1]) change = true else if change then change = false challenger_turn = challenger_turn + 1 end end end if #getCreatureSummons(getNpcCid()) == 0 and isCreature(target) then if battle_turn > #wildRocket[getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 665461)] then addEvent(doCreateNpc, 300000, ".aPolice", myPos) --alterado v1.5 local outfit = getCreatureOutfit(getNpcCid()) doRemoveCreature(getNpcCid()) ---------------------------------------- if outfit.lookType == 1184 then --verifica se o npc eh female.. ;p monster = doCreateMonster("aPoliceFemale", myPos) else monster = doCreateMonster("aPolice", myPos) end ---------------------------------------- doCloneOut(monster, outfit) addEvent(beDrunk, 100, monster) end addEvent(doSummonGymPokemon, 1000, getNpcCid()) end if #getCreatureSummons(challenger) <= 0 then doSetAttackGym(getCreatureSummons(challenger)[0]) --- (O ERROR PODE ESTAR AQUI)--- end end end Estou atrás dessa base contém srC chama aí no chat ficarei feliz te ajudar chama no chat que te passo meu whats. Link para o comentário https://tibiadevs.com/forums/topic/392-arrumar-wildtrainer/#findComment-2540 Compartilhar em outros sites Mais opções de compartilhamento...
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