Monarcha Cieni 90 Postado 5 de Novembro 2023 Compartilhar Postado 5 de Novembro 2023 hello, I have a little problem with the code because I found it somewhere on the Internet, I'm trying to implement it into tfs 1.4.2 and unfortunately it doesn't work, I'm a beginner scripter who is still learning, could someone help me with it? local BUFF_SUBID = 1 local Storages = { LeeBuffExhaust = "LeeBuffExhaust" } local SKILL_TAIJUTSU = 1 local CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_FIST = 590 local CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_AXE = 591 local c = { exhaustTime = 30000, -- tempo do exausted pra usar denovo ao fechar gateInfo = { [1] = { onUseSay = {"KAIMON!", 56}, neededSkill = {SKILL_TAIJUTSU, 10}, hitDamage = 20, hitDelay = 1000, stopInHealthPercent = 10, outfit = 138, effect = {425, {1, 0}}, effectDelay = 500, damageMultiplier = 1.10, speedMultiplier = 1.20, giveSkills = { [CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_FIST] = 5, [CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_AXE] = 5 }, }, [2] = { onUseSay = {"KYUUMON!", 56}, neededSkill = {SKILL_TAIJUTSU, 25}, hitDamage = 30, hitDelay = 1000, stopInHealthPercent = 10, outfit = 139, effect = {425, {1, 0}}, effectDelay = 500, damageMultiplier = 1.20, speedMultiplier = 1.40, giveSkills = { [CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_FIST] = 8, [CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_AXE] = 8 }, }, [3] = { onUseSay = {"SEIMON!", 56}, neededSkill = {SKILL_TAIJUTSU, 40}, hitDamage = 40, hitDelay = 1000, stopInHealthPercent = 10, outfit = 140, effect = {425, {1, 0}}, effectDelay = 500, damageMultiplier = 1.30, speedMultiplier = 1.60, giveSkills = { [CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_FIST] = 12, [CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_AXE] = 12 }, }, [4] = { onUseSay = {"SHOOMON!", 56}, neededSkill = {SKILL_TAIJUTSU, 60}, hitDamage = 50, hitDelay = 1000, stopInHealthPercent = 10, outfit = 141, effect = {425, {1, 0}}, effectDelay = 500, damageMultiplier = 1.40, speedMultiplier = 1.80, giveSkills = { [CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_FIST] = 15, [CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_AXE] = 15 }, }, [5] = { onUseSay = {"TOMON!", 56}, neededSkill = {SKILL_TAIJUTSU, 70}, hitDamage = 75, hitDelay = 1000, stopInHealthPercent = 10, outfit = 142, effect = {425, {1, 0}}, effectDelay = 500, damageMultiplier = 1.50, speedMultiplier = 2.00, giveSkills = { [CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_FIST] = 20, [CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_AXE] = 20 }, }, [6] = { onUseSay = {"KEIMON!", 56}, neededSkill = {SKILL_TAIJUTSU, 80}, hitDamage = 100, hitDelay = 1000, stopInHealthPercent = 10, outfit = 143, effect = {425, {1, 0}}, effectDelay = 500, damageMultiplier = 1.60, speedMultiplier = 2.20, giveSkills = { [CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_FIST] = 24, [CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_AXE] = 24 }, }, [7] = { onUseSay = {"KYOOMON!", 56}, neededSkill = {SKILL_TAIJUTSU, 100}, hitDamage = 150, hitDelay = 1000, stopInHealthPercent = 10, outfit = 144, effect = {424, {1, 0}}, effectDelay = 500, damageMultiplier = 1.70, speedMultiplier = 2.50, giveSkills = { [CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_FIST] = 30, [CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_AXE] = 30 }, }, [8] = { onUseSay = {"HACHIMON!", 56}, neededSkill = {SKILL_TAIJUTSU, 140}, hitDamage = 200, hitDelay = 1000, stopInHealthPercent = 0, outfit = 145, effect = {426, {1, 0}}, effectDelay = 500, damageMultiplier = 1.80, speedMultiplier = 3.00, giveSkills = { [CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_FIST] = 40, [CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_AXE] = 40 }, } } } local gateHandler = {} local conditions = {} for n, i in ipairs(c.gateInfo) do conditions[n] = {} if (i.giveSkills) then local attributesCondition = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES, -1, true, BUFF_SUBID) for paramId, value in pairs(i.giveSkills) do Condition.setParameter(attributesCondition, paramId, value) end conditions[n][#conditions[n] + 1] = attributesCondition end if (i.speedMultiplier) then local speedCondition = Condition(CONDITION_HASTE, -1, true, BUFF_SUBID) Condition.setFormula(speedCondition, i.speedMultiplier, 0, i.speedMultiplier, 0) conditions[n][#conditions[n] + 1] = speedCondition end end local function closeGates(cid, full) if (isCreature(cid)) then player:removeCondition(cid, CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES, BUFF_SUBID) player:removeCondition(cid, CONDITION_HASTE, BUFF_SUBID) player:removeCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT, 0) if (full) then Game.sendAnimatedText("KAI!", position, 215) doCreatureEraseStorage(cid, Storages.LeeBuff) timeStorage.set(cid, Storages.LeeBuffExhaust, c.exhaustTime) gateHandler[cid] = nil end end end local function hitHealthEvent(cid, serial) if (isCreature(cid)) then local handler = gateHandler[cid] if (not handler or handler.serial ~= serial) then return end local hitDamage = handler.hitHealthStack + handler.gateInfo.hitDamage local stopInHealthPercent = handler.gateInfo.stopInHealthPercent if (stopInHealthPercent > 0 and getCreatureHealthPercent(cid, hitDamage) <= stopInHealthPercent) then closeGates(cid, true) return end player:addHealth(cid, -hitDamage) gateHandler[cid].hitHealthStack = hitDamage addEvent(hitHealthEvent, handler.gateInfo.hitDelay, cid, serial) else gateHandler[cid] = nil end end local function sendEffectEvent(cid, serial) if (isCreature(cid)) then local handler = gateHandler[cid] if (not handler or handler.serial ~= serial) then return end doSendMagicEffectWithOffset(getThingPosition(cid), handler.gateInfo.effect[1], handler.gateInfo.effect[2]) addEvent(sendEffectEvent, handler.gateInfo.effectDelay, cid, serial) end end function onCastSpell(cid, var) local player = Player(cid) local param = var.string:lower() if (param == "kai") then if (gateHandler[cid]) then closeGates(cid, true) return true else player:sendCancelMessageWithEffect(cid, "You do not have any gate open.", CONST_ME_POFF) return false end end local gateNumber = tonumber(param) local i = c.gateInfo[gateNumber] if (i) then if (timeStorage.has(cid, Storages.LeeBuffExhaust)) then player:sendCancelMessageWithEffect(cid, "Wait for the cooldown [" .. timeStorage.getCooldown(cid, Storages.LeeBuffExhaust) .. "s].", CONST_ME_POFF) return false end if (getPlayerSkill(cid, i.neededSkill[1]) < i.neededSkill[2]) then player:sendCancelMessageWithEffect(cid, "You do not have enough " .. SKILL_NAMES[i.neededSkill[1]] .. " (needed: " .. i.neededSkill[2] .. ").", CONST_ME_POFF) return false end local startHitStack = 0 local previousGate = gateHandler[cid] if (previousGate) then if (previousGate.gateInfo == i) then player:sendCancelMessageWithEffect(cid, "You are already with this gate open.", CONST_ME_POFF) return false end startHitStack = previousGate.hitHealthStack closeGates(cid, false) end if (i.onUseSay) then Game.sendAnimatedText(getThingPosition(cid), i.onUseSay[1], i.onUseSay[2]) end if (i.outfit) then player:outfit(cid, {lookType = i.outfit}, -1) end local newSerial = genSerial() gateHandler[cid] = {hitHealthStack = startHitStack, gateInfo = i, serial = newSerial} player:setStorageValue(cid, Storages.LeeBuff, i.damageMultiplier) sendEffectEvent(cid, newSerial) hitHealthEvent(cid, newSerial) for _, condition in ipairs(conditions[gateNumber]) do player:addCondition(cid, condition) end return true else player:sendCancelMessageWithEffect(cid, "How to use: \"open gates kai\", \"open gates 1\", \"open gates 2\"...", CONST_ME_POFF) end return false end Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites Mais opções de compartilhamento...
Monarcha Cieni 90 Postado 8 de Novembro 2023 Autor Compartilhar Postado 8 de Novembro 2023 @ref Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites Mais opções de compartilhamento...
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