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clones no jogo tfs 1.4.2

Monarcha Cieni

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Olá, estou procurando um código para alterar o nome do monstro "clone" para o nome do jogador que o invoca, estou usando o tfs 1.4.2, não encontro em lugar nenhum, alguém poderia ajudar?

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I haven't tried it, could you use it in my script?

function onCastSpell(cid, var)
    local from, to = {x = 962, y = 885, z = 7}, {x = 973, y = 892, z = 7}
    local from2, to2 = {x = 979, y = 901, z = 7}, {x = 991, y = 905, z = 7}
    local player = Player(cid)
    local playerpos = player:getPosition()
    local cloth = player:getOutfit()
    local health = player:getHealth()
    local maxhealth = player:getMaxHealth()
    local MaximoSummon = 3 -- Maksymalna liczba przyzwanych stworzeń
    local summons = player:getSummons()

    local distance = getDistanceBetween(playerpos, from)
    local distance2 = getDistanceBetween(playerpos, from2)

    if (distance >= 0 and distance <= 10) or (distance2 >= 0 and distance2 <= 10) then
        player:sendCancelMessage("Nie możesz użyć tego jutsu tutaj!")
        return false

    if table.maxn(summons) < MaximoSummon then
        local remainingClones = MaximoSummon - table.maxn(summons)
        for i = 1, remainingClones do
            local clone = Game.createMonster("clone", playerpos)
            doConvinceCreature(cid, clone:getId())
            clone:setOutfit(cloth, -1)
    return true


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7 horas atrás, Monarcha Cieni disse:

I haven't tried it, could you use it in my script?

function onCastSpell(cid, var)
    local from, to = {x = 962, y = 885, z = 7}, {x = 973, y = 892, z = 7}
    local from2, to2 = {x = 979, y = 901, z = 7}, {x = 991, y = 905, z = 7}
    local player = Player(cid)
    local playerpos = player:getPosition()
    local cloth = player:getOutfit()
    local health = player:getHealth()
    local maxhealth = player:getMaxHealth()
    local MaximoSummon = 3 -- Maksymalna liczba przyzwanych stworzeń
    local summons = player:getSummons()

    local distance = getDistanceBetween(playerpos, from)
    local distance2 = getDistanceBetween(playerpos, from2)

    if (distance >= 0 and distance <= 10) or (distance2 >= 0 and distance2 <= 10) then
        player:sendCancelMessage("Nie możesz użyć tego jutsu tutaj!")
        return false

    if table.maxn(summons) < MaximoSummon then
        local remainingClones = MaximoSummon - table.maxn(summons)
        for i = 1, remainingClones do
            local clone = Game.createMonster("clone", playerpos)
            doConvinceCreature(cid, clone:getId())
            clone:setOutfit(cloth, -1)
    return true


Não testei, se der certo de um feedback!

function onCastSpell(creature, var)
    local from, to = {x = 962, y = 885, z = 7}, {x = 973, y = 892, z = 7}
    local from2, to2 = {x = 979, y = 901, z = 7}, {x = 991, y = 905, z = 7}
    local player = Player(creature)
    local playerpos = player:getPosition()
    local playerName = player:getName() -- Obtenha o nome do jogador
    local cloth = player:getOutfit()
    local health = player:getHealth()
    local maxhealth = player:getMaxHealth()
    local MaximoSummon = 3
    local summons = player:getSummons()

    local distance = getDistanceBetween(playerpos, from)
    local distance2 = getDistanceBetween(playerpos, from2)

    if (distance >= 0 and distance <= 10) or (distance2 >= 0 and distance2 <= 10) then
        player:sendCancelMessage("Nie możesz użyć tego jutsu tutaj!")
        return false

    if table.maxn(summons) < MaximoSummon then
        local remainingClones = MaximoSummon - table.maxn(summons)
        for i = 1, remainingClones do
            local clone = Game.createMonster("clone", playerpos)
            doConvinceCreature(creature, clone:getId())
            clone:setOutfit(cloth, -1)
            clone:setName(playerName) -- Defina o nome do clone como o nome do jogador
    return true


  • Haha 1
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13 horas atrás, shoorkill disse:

Não testei, se der certo de um feedback!

function onCastSpell(creature, var)
    local from, to = {x = 962, y = 885, z = 7}, {x = 973, y = 892, z = 7}
    local from2, to2 = {x = 979, y = 901, z = 7}, {x = 991, y = 905, z = 7}
    local player = Player(creature)
    local playerpos = player:getPosition()
    local playerName = player:getName() -- Obtenha o nome do jogador
    local cloth = player:getOutfit()
    local health = player:getHealth()
    local maxhealth = player:getMaxHealth()
    local MaximoSummon = 3
    local summons = player:getSummons()

    local distance = getDistanceBetween(playerpos, from)
    local distance2 = getDistanceBetween(playerpos, from2)

    if (distance >= 0 and distance <= 10) or (distance2 >= 0 and distance2 <= 10) then
        player:sendCancelMessage("Nie możesz użyć tego jutsu tutaj!")
        return false

    if table.maxn(summons) < MaximoSummon then
        local remainingClones = MaximoSummon - table.maxn(summons)
        for i = 1, remainingClones do
            local clone = Game.createMonster("clone", playerpos)
            doConvinceCreature(creature, clone:getId())
            clone:setOutfit(cloth, -1)
            clone:setName(playerName) -- Defina o nome do clone como o nome do jogador
    return true


Unfortunately, it didn't work, but the topic should be closed. My friend helped me and if he agrees, I will share his script.

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